Be Faithful In Small...

Be Faithful In Small...

Labor Day is a holiday that is dear to my heart because it's a reminder to honor all the steps you took on your path to realizing your dream and your destiny...

All the hours, all the nights, all the years spent in dedication to your craft...

All the moments that are invisible to anyone but those rare few who may be in the same trenches as you...

I was raised by a single mother, a Russian woman who grew up in a small village, as a tomboy, never experiencing any luxuries in life...

Forget luxuries, my mom never even had a manicure or a massage in her life...

She was raised in a very simple way but with a work ethic as solid as steel.

My mom drilled it into my head since I was very little, that no matter what job I will be required to do, I must do it with all my effort, all my dedication, and all my PRIDE...

Yes, my mom told me to take pride in whatever I will be required to do...

"Do it well, or don't touch it at all," she used to remind me again and again. 

I remembered her words when I came to America with $3 in my pocket and my first job was scrubbing the floors at a hotel in Alaska.

I remember doing my job with DIGNITY, no matter how humble of an experience it was.

I've had many jobs in my life, on my way to mastery, that were very humbling but they never made me FEEL low because I saw them as an opportunity to be faithful in SMALL.

I carried that philosophy throughout my entire life and I am grateful for my Russian roots and the mother who instilled that level of work ethic in me.

15 years later, looking back on all those hours, days, years dedicated to developing my gifts and mastery of my craft, 

I honor every one of those experiences of random jobs that taught me humility and patience...

Mastery takes TIME, dedication and deep patience.

Rome was not been built over night,

why should our mastery be different?

May we honor each step on the way to realizing our personal legend, 

no matter how humbling, how simple and not glamorous it may be at times...

Mastery takes that level of commitment,

embracing every part of the journey, 

being faithful in small, 

doing what has been trusted you with your full heart. 

Because at the end, my friends, 


No matter how humble your beginnings were

and how long it took you get there. 

and to that, I raise my toast today.

In commitment to lifelong mastery, 

Katerina Satori

Photo Credit: Jonathan Greye


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