Faith in the verses of Allah

Faith in the verses of Allah

Faith in the verses of Allah

?????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????

4:56. Those who reject Our revelations—

We will scorch them in a Fire. 

Every time their skins are cooked, 

We will replace them with other skins, 

so they will experience the suffering. 

God is Most Powerful, Most Wise.


4:56.  ????? ????????? ????????? ??????????? ?????? ??????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ?????????????? ???????? ????????? ???????????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ???????? 




4:155-156. But for their violation of their covenant, 

and their denial of God’s revelations, 

and their killing of the prophets unjustly, 

and their saying, “Our minds are closed.” 

In fact, God has sealed them for their disbelief, 

so they do not believe, except for a few.

And for their faithlessness, 

and their saying against Mary 

a monstrous slander.



4:155-156.  ??????? ????????? ????????????? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????? ????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????? ??????????? ?????? ????????  

 ?????????????? ???????????? ????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? 



5:10. As for those who disbelieve 

and reject Our revelations—

these are the inmates of Hell.

5:10. ??????????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????? ?????????? ????????? ??????????


6:25-26. Among them are those who listen to you; 

but We place covers over their hearts, 

to prevent them from understanding it, 

and heaviness in their ears.

 Even if they see every sign, 

they will not believe in it.

 Until, when they come to you, 

to argue with you, 

those who disbelieve will say, 

“These are nothing but myths of the ancients.”

They keep others from it, 

and avoid it themselves;

 but they ruin only their own souls, 

and they do not realize.

6:25-26. ????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ????? ??????????? ????????? ??? ??????????? ????? ?????????? ??????? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?????????????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????????? ????????????  

 ?????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ????? ??????????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ???????????


6:54-55.When those who believe 

in Our revelations come to you, 

say, “Peace be upon you, 

your Lord has prescribed mercy for Himself. 

Whoever among you 

does wrong out of ignorance, 

and then repents afterwards and reforms—

He is Forgiving and Merciful.”

Thus We explain the revelations, 

and expose the path of the unrighteous.

6:54-55.??????? ?????? ????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ????????? ????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ????? ??? ???????? ?????????? ????????? ??????? ???????? 

 ?????????? ???????? ???????? ??????????????? ??????? ??????????????


6:109. They swear by God, 

with their most solemn oaths, 

that if a miracle were to come to them, 

they would believe in it. 

Say, “The miracles are only with God.” 

But how do you know? 

Even if it did come, 

they still would not believe.


6:109. ????????????? ???????? ?????? ????????????? ????? ?????????? ????? ?????????????? ????? ???? ???????? ???????? ????? ?????? ????? ???????????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??? ???????????


6:124-126. And when a sign 

comes to them, they 

say, "Never will we believe 

until we are given like that which was given 

to the messengers of Allah."

 Allah is most knowing of where He places His message. 

There will afflict those who committed crimes debasement before Allah 

and severe punishment for what they used to conspire.

Whomever God desires to guide, 

He spreads open his heart to Islam; 

and whomever He desires to misguide, 

He makes his heart narrow, constricted, 

as though he were climbing up the sky. 

God thus lays defilement upon those who do not believe.

This is the straight path of your Lord. 

We have explained the revelations (verses) 

in detail for people who recollect.

6:124-126.??????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ??? ????????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ????????? ????????? ??????????? ??????? ????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ????? ???????? ???????????  

 ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ????? ?????? ??? ????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ????????? ????? ????????? ??? ???????????  

 ??????? ??????? ??????? ???????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ?????????????


6: 150. Say, “Produce your witnesses 

who would testify that God 

has prohibited this.” 

If they testify, do not testify with them. 

And do not follow the whims 

of those who deny Our verses (revelation), 

and those who do not believe in the Hereafter, 

and those who equate others with their Lord.

6: 150. ???? ??????? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ????????? ????? ???????? ???????? ????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ??????????? ????? ??????????? ??????????? 


6:157-158.Or lest you say, 

“Had the Scripture been revealed to us, 

we would have been better guided than they.” 

Clarification has come to you from 

your Lord, and guidance, and mercy. 

Who then does greater wrong than 

he who gives the lie to God's messages, 

and turns away from them? 

We will repay those who turn away 

from Our messages with the worst kind of punishment, 

because of their turning away.

 Are they waiting for anything 

but for the angels to come to them, 

or for your Lord to arrive, 

or for some of your Lord’s signs to come? 

On the Day when some of your Lord’s signs come,

 no soul will benefit from its faith 

unless it had believed previously, 

or had earned goodness through its faith. 

Say, “Wait, we too are waiting.”



6:158-157. ???? ?????????? ???? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ???? ?????????? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ??????????? ???? ????????? ????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ??????????? 

???? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ????????????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ???????? ??? ??????????? ??????? ???? ??????????? ?????? ????????????




7:50-51. The inmates of the Fire 

will call on the inhabitants of the Garden, 

“Pour some water over us, 

or some of what God has provided for you.” 

They will say, “God has 

forbidden them for the disbelievers.”

Those who took their religion lightly, and in jest, 

and whom the worldly life deceived. 

Today We will ignore them, 

as they ignored the meeting on this Day of theirs, 

and they used to deny Our revelations.



7:50-51.  ???????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ????????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????? ???????????? ????? ?????????????  

 ????????? ??????????? ????????? ??????? ????????? ????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????? 




7:126. “You are taking vengeance on 

us only because we have believed in the signs 

of our Lord when they have come to us.” 

“Our Lord! Pour out patience upon us, 

and receive our souls in submission.”


7:126.  ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ???????????? ??????????? 




7:146. I will turn away from My revelations

those who behave proudly 

on earth without justification. 

Even if they see every sign, 

they will not believe in it; 

and if they see the path of rectitude, 

they will not adopt it for a path; 

and if they see the path of error, they will adopt it for a path. 

That is because they denied Our revelations, a

nd paid no attention to them.


7:146. ?????????? ???? ???????? ????????? ?????????????? ??? ???????? ???????? ???????? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????????? ???????? ????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ???????????? ???????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ??????????


7:156. And decree for 

us in this world [that which is] 

good and [also] in the Hereafter; 

indeed, we have turned back to You." 

[Allah] said, "My punishment - 

I afflict with it whom I will, 

but My mercy encompasses all things." 

So I will decree it [especially] 

for those who fear Me 

and give zakah and those 

who believe in Our verses -

7:156. ????????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ??????????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ??????????? 


7:158. Say, “O people, 

I am the Messenger of God to you all—

He to whom belongs the kingdom 

of the heavens and the earth.

There is no god but He.

He gives life and causes death.”

So believe in God and 

His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet,

who believes in God and His words.

And follow him, that you may be guided.

7:158. ???? ??? ???????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ???? ?????? ????????????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ????????????? ????????????? ??????????? ??????????? 


7:185. Have they not observed 

the government of the heavens 

and the earth, and 

all the things that God created, 

and that their time may have drawn near? 

Which message ???????,

besides this, will they believe in?

7:185.  ???????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ????????????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ????????? ?????????? ????????? ??????? ???????? ???????????


7:203.If you do not produce 

a miracle for them, they say, 

“Why don’t you improvise one.” 

Say, “I only follow what is inspired 

to me from my Lord.” 

These are insights from your Lord, 

and guidance, and mercy, 

for a people who believe.

7:203.??????? ???? ????????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?????????????? ???? ???????? ????????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? ????? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??????? ?????????? ????????? ??????????? 



8:55-56. The worst of creatures in God's 

view are those who disbelieve. 

They have no faith.

Those of them with whom you made a treaty, 

but they violate their agreement every time. 

They are not righteous.



??? ????? ??????????? ????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ??????????


 ????????? ????????? ???????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????????



10:40.  Among them are those who believe in it, 

and among them are those who do not believe in it. 

Your Lord is fully aware of the mischief-makers.

10:40. ???????? ???? ???????? ???? ????????? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ????????? ???????? ????????????????


10:73.  But they denounced him, 

so We saved him and those with him in the Ark, 

and We made them successors, 

and We drowned those who rejected Our signs. 

So consider the fate of those who were warned.

10:73. ???????????? ?????????????? ????? ??????? ??? ????????? ??????????????? ????????? ????????????? ????????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ????? ????????? ?????????????



10:74.Then, after him, 

We sent messengers to their people. 

They came to them with the clear proofs, 

but they would not believe in 

anything they had already rejected. 

Thus We set a seal on the hearts of the hostile.




10:74. ????? ????????? ??? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????????? ????? ???????? ????????????? ????? ?????????? ???? ??? ?????? ???????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??????????????



 10:101 .Say, “Look at what is in the heavens and the earth.” 

But signs and warnings are of no avail for people who do not believe.


 ???? ????????? ?????? ??? ????????????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????????? ??? ?????? ???? ???????????




12:111.In their stories is a lesson 

for those who possess intelligence. 

This is not a fabricated tale, 

but a confirmation of what came before it, 

and a detailed explanation of all things, 

and guidance, and mercy for people who believe.

12:111.?????? ????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????????? ??? ????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ????????? ???????????


13:1.Alif, Lam, Meem, Ra. 

These are the signs of the Scripture. 

What is revealed to you 

from your Lord is the truth, 

but most people do not believe.

13:1. ???? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ??? ???????? ???????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ??? ???????????


13:31.Even if there were a Quran, 

by which mountains could be set in motion, 

or by which the earth could be shattered, 

or by which the dead could be made to speak. 

In fact, every decision rests with God. 

Did the believers not give up and realize that had God willed, 

He would have guided all humanity? 

Disasters will continue to strike those who disbelieve, 

because of their deeds, or they fall near their homes, 

until God’s promise comes true.

God never breaks a promise.

13:31. ?????? ????? ???????? ????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ????????? ???? ???????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????????? ??? ??????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ????????? ????????? ???? ??????? ???????? ???? ????????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????????? 



15:13.They do not believe in it, 

though the ways of 

the ancients have passed away.

15:13.??? ??????????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????????? 


16:79. Have they not seen the birds, 

flying in the midst of the sky? 

None sustains them except God. 

In this are signs for people who believe.


?????? ???????? ????? ????????? ???????????? ??? ????? ????????? ??? ????????????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ???????????





16:98-100.When you read the Quran, 

seek refuge with God from Satan the outcast.

He has no authority over those who believe and trust in their Lord.

His authority is only over those who follow him,

and those who associate others with Him


16:98-100.??????? ???????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? ???? ???????????? ??????????  

 ??????? ?????? ???? ????????? ????? ????????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ??????????????  

 ???????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ??????????????? ??????????? ??? ???? ???????????  


16:102.Say, “The Holy Spirit 

has brought it down from your Lord, 

truthfully, in order to stabilize those who believe, 

and as guidance and good news for those who submit.”

16:102.???? ????????? ????? ????????? ??? ???????? ?????????? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ???????????????


16:104-106.Those who do not believe in God’s revelations—

God will not guide them, and for them is a painful punishment.

It is those who do not believe in God’s revelations 

who fabricate falsehood. 

These are the liars.

Whoever renounces faith in God after having believed—

except for someone who is compelled, 

while his heart rests securely in faith—

but whoever willingly opens up his heart to disbelief—

upon them falls wrath from God, 

and for them is a tremendous torment.

16:104-106.????? ????????? ??? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ??????? 

 ???????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ??????????? ???? ????????????? 

 ??? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ???????????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???????



17:45-46.When you read the Quran, 

We place between you and those who 

do not believe in the Hereafter an invisible barrier.

And We drape veils over their hearts, 

preventing them from understanding it, 

and heaviness in their ears.

And when you mention your Lord alone in the Quran,

 they turn their backs in aversion.



17:45-46.??????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ??? ??????????? ??????????? ???????? ???????????  

 ??????????? ????? ??????????? ????????? ??? ??????????? ????? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ????????? ????? ????????????? ???????? 



 17:94. And what prevented the people 

from believing when guidance 

came to them except that 

they said, "Has Allah 

sent a human messenger?"

17:94.  ????? ?????? ???????? ??? ??????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?????????


17:107.Say, “Believe in it, or do not believe.” 

Those who were given knowledge before it, 

when it is recited to them, 

they fall to their chins, prostrating.

17:107.???? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ??????????? ????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ??? ???????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????????? ????????


18: 6. Perhaps you may destroy yourself with grief, 

chasing after them, if they do not believe in this information.

18: 6. ??????????? ??????? ????????? ????? ?????????? ??? ????? ?????????? ??????? ?????????? ???????


18:55.What prevented people from accepting faith,

 when guidance has come to them, 

and from seeking their Lord’s forgiveness? 

Unless they are waiting for the precedent 

of the ancients to befall them, 

or to have the punishment 

come upon them face to face.

18:55.????? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ???????????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ????????????? ???? ???????????? ?????????? ??????? 



19:73. When Our clear revelations are recited to them,

 those who disbelieve say to those who believe, 

“Which of the two parties is better in position, 

and superior in influence?”

19:73.??????? ??????? ?????????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ????? ?????????????? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ????????


19:97. We made it easy in your tongue, 

in order to deliver good news to the righteous, 

and to warn with it a hostile people

19:97.  ?????????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????????? ???? ????????????? ????????? ???? ??????? ???????


20:125-126. He will say, “My Lord, 

why did You raise me blind, though I was seeing?”

He will say, “Just as Our revelations came to you, 

and you forgot them, today you will be forgotten.”

20:125-126. ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ????? ????????  

 ????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ???????????? ?????????? ????????? ??????


20:127. And thus do We 

recompense he who transgressed 

and did not believe in the signs of his Lord. 

And the punishment of the Hereafter 

is more severe and more enduring.

20:127.?????????? ??????? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ?????????



 23:57-58.Those who, from awe of their Lord, are fearful.

And those who believe in their Lord’s Verses.

 23:57-58.????? ????????? ??? ????? ???????? ???????? ????????????  

 ??????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ???????????


23:63.But their hearts are puzzled because of this; 

and they have deeds that do not conform to this, 

which they continue to perpetrate.

23:63. ???? ??????????? ??? ???????? ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????????


26:192 -201. It is a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.

The Honest Spirit came down with it.

Upon your heart, that you may be one of the warners.

In a clear Arabic tongue.

And it is in the scriptures of the ancients.

Is it not a sign for them that the scholars of the Children of Israel recognized it?

Had We revealed it to one of the foreigners.

And he had recited it to them, they still would not have believed in it.

Thus We make it pass through the hearts of the guilty.

They will not believe in it until they witness the painful punishment.

26:192 -201. ????????? ?????????? ????? ?????????????  

 ?????? ???? ???????? ??????????  

 ????? ???????? ????????? ???? ?????????????  

 ????????? ????????? ????????  

 ????????? ????? ?????? ?????????????  

 ???????? ????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ????? ????????????  

 ?????? ???????????? ????? ?????? ??????????????  

 ?????????? ????????? ???? ??????? ???? ???????????  

 ???????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ??????????????  

 ??? ??????????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ??????????


27:80-81.You cannot make the dead hear, 

nor can you make the deaf hear 

the call if they turn their backs and flee.

Nor can you guide the blind out of their straying. 

You can make no one listen, 

except those who believe in Our verses; 

for they are Muslims.

27:80-81.??????? ??? ???????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ????? ???????? ???????????  

 ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ???????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????????? ????? ????????????


27:86. Do they not see that We 

made the night for them to rest therein, 

and the day for visibility? 

Surely in that are signs for people who believe.

27:86. ?????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ????? ???????????? ????????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????????? 


28:52-53.Those to whom We 

gave the Scripture before it believe in it.

When it is recited to them, they say, 

“We have believed in it; 

it is the truth from our Lord; 

we were Muslims prior to it.”

28:53-52.????????? ???????????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ??? ???? ??????????? 

. ??????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???????? ??? ????????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????? ???????????



29:24. But the only response 

from his people was their saying, 

“Kill him, or burn him.” 

But God saved him from the fire. 

Surely in that are signs for people who believe.

29:24.  ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????????? 


29:47. Likewise, We revealed to you the Scripture. 

Those to whom We gave the Scripture believe in it, 

and some of these believe in it. 

None renounce Our communications except the disbelievers.

29:47.  ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????????? ??????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ??? ???????? ???? ????? ???????? ??????????? ?????? ????????????? 


29:51. Does it not suffice them that We 

revealed to you the Scripture, 

which is recited to them? 

In that is mercy and a reminder 

for people who believe.

29:51.  ???????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????? 


30:37.  Do they not see that God 

expands the provision for whomever 

He wills, or restricts it? 

Surely in this are signs for people who believe.

30:37. ???????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????????? 


30: 47. Before you, 

We sent messengers to their people. 

They came to them with clear proofs. 

Then We took revenge on those who sinned. 

It is incumbent on Us to help the believers.

30: 47.???????? ??????????? ??? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????????? ????????????? ???? ????????? ?????????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ??????????????


30:53.Nor can you guide

 the blind out of their error. 

You can make hear only those 

who believe in Our signs, 

and so have submitted.

30:53.????? ????? ???????? ????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ???????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????????? ????? ???????????? 


30:58.We have cited in this Quran 

for the people every sort of parable. 

But even if you bring them a miracle, 

those who disbelieve will 

say, “You are nothing but fakers.”

30:58. ???????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????? ?????????? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ???????????? ????????? ???????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????????? 


31:7. And when Our Verses 

are recited to him, he turns away in pride, 

as though he did not hear them, 

as though there is deafness in his ears. 

So inform him of a painful punishment.

31:7. ??????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ?????? ????????????? ????? ????? ??????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ??????? ??????????? ????????? ??????? 



31:8-9. As for those who believe and do good deeds—

for them are the Gardens of Bliss.

Dwelling therein forever.

 The promise of God is true. 

He is the Mighty, the Wise.



31:8-9. ????? ????????? ??????? ?????????? ????????????? ?????? ???????? ??????????  

 ?????????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????? 





32:15.They believe 

in Our communications, 

those who, when reminded of them, 

fall down prostrate, 

and glorify their Lord with praise, 

and are not proud.

32:15.  ???????? ???????? ??????????? ????????? ????? ????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ????????? ?????? ??? ??????????????? 


34:31-32.Those who disbelieve 

say, “We will never believe in this Quran, 

nor in what came before it.” 

If you could only see the wrongdoers, 

captive before their Lord, 

throwing back allegations at one another. 

Those who were oppressed will 

say to those who were arrogant, 

“Were it not for you, 

we would have been believers.”

Those who were arrogant will 

say to those who were oppressed, 

“Was it us who turned you 

away from guidance when it came to you? 

No indeed, you yourselves were sinful.”

34:31-32. ??????? ????????? ???????? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ????? ???? ????????????? ???????????? ????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ????????? ????????????? ?????????? ????????????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ???????????  

 ????? ????????? ????????????? ?????????? ????????????? ???????? ????????????? ???? ???????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ???????????? 



34:52-54. And they say, “We have believed in it.” 

But how can they attain it from a distant place?

They have rejected it in the past, 

and made allegations from a far-off place.

A barrier will be placed between them and what they desire, 

was done formerly with their counterparts. 

They were in disturbing doubt.



34:52-54. ????????? ??????? ???? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ???????  

 ?????? ???????? ???? ??? ?????? ????????????? ??????????? ??? ???????? ???????  

??????? ?????????? ???????? ??? ??????????? ????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????? ??? ????? ????????



38:29. A blessed Book 

that We sent down to you, 

that they may ponder its Verses, 

and for those with intelligence to take heed.

38:29. ??????? ???????????? ???????? ????????? ??????????????? ???????? ??????????????? ???????? ????????????


39:52. Do they not know that God 

extends the provision to whomever 

He wills, and constricts it? 

In that are signs for people who believe.


???????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????????? 


40:35. Those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah 

without an authority having come to them - 

great is hatred [of them] in the sight of Allah 

and in the sight of those who have believed. 

Thus does Allah seal over every 

heart [belonging to] an arrogant tyrant.

40:35.????????? ???????????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????????? ???????? 


41:44.Had We made it a Quran 

in a foreign language, they would have 

said, “If only its verses were made clear.” 

Non-Arabic and an Arab? Say, 

“For those who believe, it is guidance and healing. 

But as for those who do not believe: 

there is heaviness in their ears, and it is blindness for them. 

These are being called from a distant place.”

41:44. ?????? ??????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????????? ??????? ????????? ???????? ????????????? ??????????? ???? ???? ?????????? ??????? ????? ???????? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ??? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ?????????? ??????????? ??? ???????? ???????


43:69.Those who believed in Our revelations, 

and were submissive.

43:69. ????????? ??????? ??????????? ????????? ???????????


45:6. These are God’s Verses which We recite  to you in truth.

 In which message (Hadith ???????), 

after God and His revelations, will they believe !?

?????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????????


45:25.When Our clarifying Verses 

are recited to them, 

their only argument is to say, 

“Bring back our ancestors, 

if you are truthful.”

45:25. ??????? ??????? ?????????? ????????? ?????????? ???? ????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ?????????? 



47:20. Those who believe 

say, “If only a chapter is sent down.” 

Yet when a decisive chapter is sent down, 

and fighting is mentioned in it, 

you see those in whose hearts is sickness 

looking at you with the look 

of someone fainting at death. 

So woe to them!



47:20. ????????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ???? ????????? ????????? ??????


52:33.  Or do they say, “He made it up”? Rather, they do not believe.

52:33.  ???? ?????????? ??????????? ??? ???? ???????????




52:34.So let them produce a discourse like it, 

if they are truthful.


52:34.???????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ??????? ??????????



57:19.Those who believe in God and His messengers—

these are the sincere and the witnesses with their Lord; 

they will have their reward and their light. 

But as for those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations—

these are the inmates of the Blaze.

57:19. ??????????? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????? ????????????? ????? ????????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????????? ????????? ?????????? 


64:10.But as for those who disbelieve 

and denounce Our revelations—t

hese are the inmates of the Fire, 

dwelling therein forever; 

and what a miserable fate!

64:10. ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? 



65:10-11. God has prepared for them a severe retribution. 

So beware of God, O you who possess intellect and have faith. 

God has sent down to you a Reminder.

A messenger who recites to you God’s Verses, clear and distinct, 

that he may bring those who believe 

and work righteousness from darkness into light. 

Whoever believes in God and acts with integrity, 

He will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow, 

therein to abide forever. 

God has given him an excellent provision.



65:10-11. ??????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????????? ????????? ??????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ???????  

 ????????? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ??????? ???????????? ??????????? ????????? ??????? ?????????? ????????????? ???? ???????????? ????? ???????? ????? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ??? ????????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ??????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ???????



69:41.And it is not the speech of a poet—

little do you believe.

69:41. ????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????????? 


72:13. And when we heard the guidance, 

we believed in it. Whoever believes in his Lord

 fears neither loss, nor burden.


72:13. ???????? ?????? ????????? ???????? ??????? ???? ????? ??????? ????????? ????? ??????? ??????? ????? ???????


77:49-50.Woe on that Day to the rejecters.

In what message, beyond this, will they believe?


77:49-50.?????? ?????????? ?????????????????  

 ????????? ??????? ???????? ??????????? 



84:20-21. What is the matter 

with them that they do not believe?

And when the Quran is read to them, 

they do not bow down?


84:20-21. ????? ?????? ??? ???????????  

 ??????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ???????????





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