Faith in Times of Falsehood

Faith in Times of Falsehood

In the weeks since the election, one question has been posed over and again. In the face of all the lies—not misinformation, but call it what it is—lies, what are we to do? When truth has fallen in the streets of America to the point that Christian ministers can stand in their pulpits and repeat falsehoods that they know are false, we are in grave trouble.

My dear old grandmother's wisdom rarely failed. She said often, "Michael, never repeat a lie. When you do, you are just as guilty as the person who first told it." I agree. In the Psalms, King David asked an important question: "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" I think this is a valid question.

I have followed the teachings of Jesus Christ for more than fifty years. I have worked in Christian ministry for more than thirty years. In times like these and in the face of the question asked above, I must remind myself of some central truths.

First, not all who carry the title of Christian are Christian, meaning they do not live up to the standard of following the teachings of Christ. There is a difference between being a Christ follower and having a religion. Attendance at religious worship does not make one Christian, any more than sleeping in a garage makes you a car. The Mother Teresa's who willingly sacrificed themselves for the poor and needy are saints. Many wear the badge and the name. while few are willing to take up the cross and follow Christ.

American Christians have a different understanding of "Christian" than most of the world. When I visit the Middle East, if you are not Jewish or Muslim, you are Christian. It is a label and an identifier so people can understand your worldview and can relate to you. Christianity in America is often different because of the personal nature and dedication to which we attach our faith.

For a genuine Christian, faith in Christ is a relationship that, if pursued correctly, causes you to spend time in His presence in prayer and fellowship, and you walk away with the essence of Christ still on your person. The Scriptures remind us that the world first attached the name of Christian to believers at Antioch. They said, in essence, "When we are in your presence, you leave us feeling as though we have been with Christ."

Another place in Scripture records that "all men shall know you by your love." The biggest test of who a person follows is that love and devotion. In a world where falsehoods spread quickly and truth seems increasingly difficult to discern, perhaps the most powerful response is to embody the love and truth that were hallmarks of Christ's ministry. Sadly, among so many Christians what we see today is hatred against others, all of whom bear the image of God and are his children. To be honest, it is foreign to claim allegiance to Christ and hate others.

When lies are spoken from sacred places, let us be people who speak truth with gentleness. When division is sown, let us be agents of reconciliation. When fear is weaponized, let us demonstrate courage rooted in faith. For the real Christian it is never a question of political party, or of the worst of two evils. You cannot claim to be a Republican because the Democrats are worse. We are far better followers of Christ when we withdraw ourselves and political affiliation than when we join. "Come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord, and touch not that which is wicked and unclean." Evil associations corrupt good manners. You cannot yoke with this world system and be a true follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was not "woke" as I hear some Christians say today, as though he was too weak in his alliances and beliefs. He was God promoting God's program. He came to introduce us to God's ways. If that be the case, then we need to examine our beliefs to see if we are on the wrong side of belief.

The question remains: what can the righteous do when foundations crumble? We can rebuild them, one truthful word, one compassionate act, one faithful step at a time. We can remind ourselves and others that true Christianity has never been about political power or cultural dominance, but about transformation of hearts and minds through love.

In the end, perhaps the most powerful response to falsehood is not merely to oppose it, but to live so convincingly in the truth that lies become increasingly difficult to believe.

this country was founded on certain freedoms like speech, religion,... let them continue


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