Faith it till you make it.
Chibunna Ogbonna
Faith Driven Entrepreneur | Smart City | Infrastructure | Early-stage Startup Advisory
“No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised” - Romans 4: 20-21
Just before the breakthrough, the silence, nothing seems to be happening, the efforts don’t seem to yield any results, the storms around you get even more fierce, the deadlines, the overdue bills, the creditors knocking at the door, the deal taking time to close, the rejection letters, the uncertainty of this moment can be overwhelming but hold on to faith. Hold on and know that you are worthy of good things, your life will not continue downward, you will not stay in debt always, you will not always stay stagnant. Things will begin to happen for your good, you will celebrate again, you will smile again, you will pay off those bills, your dreams will come true, you will testify of the goodness of God in the land of the living. You will gain clarity on what to do next, you will not be confused and frustrated. God does good things, only good things and He cares about you. He loves you and don’t forget you have life and you are here right now. There is hope for you, things are working for your good.?
In this season, don’t try to force anything, don’t spend your vital energy on worry and overthinking. Use this time to praise God in positive expectation. It does not matter what didn’t work out yesterday, it’s now in the past. I know you may be exhausted but this is not the time to give up, you deserve to see and receive the good things coming to you. Don’t turn back now, don’t tune out now. This is that very moment when it all works out for your good. Stand in faith! Stand!!