Faith & Persistence
Tahseeb Bukhari
Founder at Self-Developed LLC, Helped over 5 Dozen+ Coaching, Consulting, Info-Product, Online Businesses Attract More of their dream clients and increase their profits consistently in 90 days. DM for more info...
Faith is just another word for persistence, ??
if you didn't have faith then you wouldn't persist.
along with Faith, and persistence, comes confidence in the ability and in the path which you tread upon.
how does one build confidence? ??
Confidence defines itself as the following:
"the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust."
"The state of feeling certain about the truth of something."
"the telling of private matters or secrets with mutual trust." ??
"a secret or private matter told to someone under a condition of trust."
here's the best definition I've been able to find:
"a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities."
now back to our question, How does one build confidence???
confidence is built through years and years of practiced accurate thought and wise application of knowledge accumulated. ??
Confidence is also built through high levels of certainty, excitement, a spike in energy even. ??
it can happen in an instant and vanish just as quickly. ??
All of the following elements that I have noted are not easy to just bring about in a daily fashion.
it takes time, but the more you practice, the better you will become at achieving these states of being.
to be able to manage one's state is massive, it allows someone to achieve that state instantaneously if need be.
once you achieve that state of mind, you will be able to do things in that realm of "being" ???
whatever it may be that you so wish to do.
But, we are what we do consistently, meaning daily or most often. Confidence, faith, and persistence then is not an act,
but rather a habit, and to make something habitual is to repeat it over and over until it becomes so knit with emotion and doing so frequently that it becomes the new norm for you.
now here's the difficult part, difficult because it means the formation of a new habit, and new habits aren't easily formed.??
for the next 30 days...set a plan, a goal, a path, a road map if you will that will help you sail your magnificent ship or vessel from one point to another. ??
then sail that map with confidence that you will achieve and reach said goal or path. ?????
Stride with confidence
and don't worry if things aren't going your way, keep your eye starboard and muddle through.
cause I assure you after. the tempest passes, the sun will come out again, ???
and you will look back out to the ocean over starboard to calm waters as to what lies ahead, and in confidence and faith will you sail on. ???
Here's something you should go by for these 30 days as well.
and know that, that which you sow you shall reap. Force yourself to think in a positive manner.
and like I said before, it won't be easy, but you will get better at it over time.
Be grateful sailors.