Faith in Learning
Think about your gifts and how you are developing your gifts in the doctoral program. Reflect on how you are developing your research and statistical skills.
I have been blessed with many gifts, some of which I recognize and try to focus on developing; others, I am told that I have and have to be patient and respectful enough to hear them.? Taking compliments is hard for me because it never feels very humble.? However, when you put a compliment into a voice of “constructive criticism,” you can see things a bit clearer.? And at that point, I hear these compliments into working toward gathering knowledge and understanding.? I personally believe this is the hand of God, sending me messages and guidance to live a righteous life for Him and those around me.
I know that I am an empath! I know that I believe in living an honest life (even if I fall short on this more than I like to openly admit)! ?I know that learning faith in all aspects will never hurt my skillsets, but adversely, always improve them.? Over the last ten or more years, my faith has grown exponentially.?
How might you use your gifts to serve others?
My current role as the County Veterans Service Officer is taxing on my soul and my heart, but there is a calling that I cannot express, nor can I deny.? I hold a lot of knowledge and have an extensive background in academics.? However, the role I play, serving Veterans, is one of my greatest achievements.? I could use my academics to earn more money or hold more important and prestigious roles; but right now, the calling brings me here to the Veterans I serve.? I have been able to appreciate the knowledge I have and use it for those I serve.? Those that may not know! Those that need guidance from an empathetic individual! Or merely, someone to listen and offer a sense of hope and opportunity.? I do not do my work better than any other qualified CVSO or Veterans Representative, in fact there are many that I admire, that I look to for inspiration and guidance.?
CVSO burnout is a real thing. Especially when you’re an empath! finding ways to establish that work/life balance is essential.? It is something I’m actively working at to find the right balance. I pray often for guidance, patience, and strength.?
How might you be able to use these skills to better help others, either applying the skills to your professional endeavors or how might others benefit from use of your research and statistical skills in your dissertation?
With the hard work that comes in a doctoral program, it is advised at the beginning of the program to select something you are passionate about.? I’m passionate about many things, but the first thing that came to mind is how can I use this work to help make a difference in Veterans’ lives.? Either now or through implementation in the future.? A dissertation is not meant to fix the world, but rather understand the academic rigor it takes to make an honest impact of a current recognized problem.?
The Veteran population is vast!? The trials and tribulations they encounter are extensive.? The work currently being done to aid this population is admirable.? People want to serve those that served.? Some are looking for the “how” do they do that.? People like me, and researchers alike, can take the proper action necessary to identify the “What, “When,” “Who,” and “How?” For these individuals.? A researcher’s job is to identify the need, support that contention with academic research and validity.? When rigor and validity display a concrete need, it makes the problem solving of an issue much more clear for those that have the capability to take action in solving the problem or rectifying the need.
The research and statistical skills have to be top notch and completely understood.? They need to be able to be reproduced, reliable, and validated; to include, being intelligent enough to be properly described.? There is a sense of honesty in statistics that is necessary.? Anyone can take numbers and use them to show the support they need for their argument.? It is having the intestinal fortitude, to recognize flaws in your work or flaws in your data.? This is why doctoral students are taught, “it’s okay to be wrong in your assumptions, as long as you point out that you are wrong, and why?” Trial and error are a pivotal part of learning.? Ask any academic if they’ve ever gotten it wrong”! They will most certainly say, yes, many times.? Admitting that you are wrong, let’s you know that you’re just THAT driven to be right.
Michelle Wynveen, MA, MS, MPA, EdD LICI Student