Faith , Intentions and Actions - An antidote for Fear of Covid

Faith , Intentions and Actions - An antidote for Fear of Covid

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The ninety day journey for Covid is just getting over and a minimum ninety days seems to be the time for it to reach manageable levels .

Across the world communities , organisations and nations are battling this pandemic at an economic , medical ,operational level . The battle which I want to discuss is the psychological battle , whether it is of a sixty year old , now scared of going on his morning walk and carrying out his laughter yoga or the distributor salesman in a tier five town not knowing whether he would have a job in June 2020 .

Our collective confidence has been hit , the negative news is out performing the positive news in the ratio of fifty is to one and we are entering a negative spiral . How do we fight this loosing battle of the psyche , how do we stop feeling helpless , caught , jailed and most importantly how do we fight and deal with this lingering fear for our loved ones , our finances , our jobs and our lives .

The biggest antidote to fear is faith , faith that eventually this pandemic would be tamed , faith that this adversity has brought and will bring gifts for us , faith that this too shall pass and all of us would emerge stronger , wiser and more conscious . It is also important for us to have this conversations with out children , our teams our life partners and business partners . Let this not be an empty conversation , let it be a conversation backed by facts , the world has lived through two world wars , several worse economic collapses , nations have seen tsunamis , nuclear disasters , but we humans have the gift of faith , of hope and of resilience and we shall overcome and inspite of all that is happening its a wonderful world .

From faith we move to intentions , in buddhist philosophy they say prayer is like ringing a very large bell , the sound of the bell depends on the intention and intensity of our prayer wether we ring it with a thin bamboo stick or a big gong . If we can set up a collective intention of overcoming this , of those who are struggling and battling this wether in US or in Italy or Spain to emerge out of it , our intentions will have an impact . From narrow intentions of our security , our business let's move to the larger intentions of a cure , of less suffering , of better infrastructure , of a healthier more conscious human kind .

The last but the most important weapon is action . In the battle of Mahabharata , Karn was an amazing warrior , who inspite of adversities , misfortunes continued to lead a life full of gratitude and pride , in the battle the odds were against him , even his charioteer Shalya used to discourage him , one day Shalya asked Karna aren't you afraid , Arjuna is an amazing warrior , Krishna his charioteer , lord hanuman adorns his flag , Karna replied that the warriors who do not have fear are wooden warriors , my fear makes me alert and aware . Let today our fears be the fuel of our growth , from micro actions like sanitising , hygiene , to macro actions like investing in my own learning , supporting the underprivileged , spending time with family to long term conscious actions , the lifestyle I want to lead , awareness of what brings me happiness , plans on how can i contribute to my organisation , community planet.....

I close with another buddhist story , problems are like ink drops see them closely dark and morbid , put them in a glass of water they turn dark blue , put them in a tub , they turn light blue , put them in a pond they disappear ...

AACT- Awareness , Acceptance , Contemplation , Trying 

Q1. When in the past has your faith overcome your fear ?

Q2. What are your intentions ?

Q3. What are your micro , macro and conscious actions ?

Q4. What is the pond for your ink-drops ?

Grace and Gratitude 



Transphorm , Tranistionz , Transcend

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#Faith #Actions #Leadership #Covid

Joydeep Sarkar

Co-Founder at Mumfy

4 年

Nicely captured Paritosh. Found the statement ‘ let fears be the fuel of growth’ extremely powerful. Keep writing to nudge all of us move from faith to action.????

Preeti Sharma

Senior Data Architect at PayPal

4 年

Well written and much needed perspective in these uncertain times

Harjindder S.

Vice President | Business Transformer

4 年

Good read.. feeling recharged..????keep writing dear.

Graham Marshall

Business Leader, Coach, Conservation Enthusiast

4 年

Oh ! Soothing Paritosh! Thank you


