Faith in God works together with medicine

Faith in God works together with medicine

Remember the famous Bollywood dialogue of a medical professional when a patient is on deathbed "Ab use dava ki nahin, dua ki zaroorat hai" (Now he/she just needs blessings and not a medicine). Let us first understand that the human capacity is limited to only 3 up to dimensions. You cannot expect the 3 D to visualize anything in higher (spiritual) dimensions, just as you cannot expect the cells in your finger to visualize anything more than their 2D view; the magnificence of the heart and brain would be nonsense to these cells. Plato's allegory of the cave comes to mind. To the prisoners in the cave, their “reality” is the shadows on the wall and when one prisoner escapes and experiences a different more expansive reality than the shadows, he returns to the cave, to inform the other prisoners of his findings.

Prayer begins where human capacity ends. Think of prayer as a portal to the spiritual dimensions. When prayer is pure and devoid of ego, it opens this portal and graces flow from God through it to merge with the human spirit. Just as in the allegory above, the human spirit now experiences a higher spiritual reality and shines with God’s spirit, to where others who are trapped in the 3D, may benefit from it. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Prayer helps in giving mental strength and support is time of illness. But yes I have seen patients do get mental strength and emotional strength due to prayer. Prayer can be used as an adjunct to your treatment but not as a sole treatment approach. Also blind faith can sometimes be deleterious as patients often withhold treatment in hope of getting cure by prayers alone particularly with illnesses like cancer. In such cases the disease gets the chance to spread extensively. So always get treatment and use prayer as a support.

In the Bible itself, God Jesus spat on mud to apply on blind man. He mentioned give the little girl something to eat when she was healed. Lot of the plants, animal products are made with medicinal properties. God has blessed them and hence they can be used to treat but ultimate healing is in Gods hands. We would like to travel somewhere but we can either fly by praying to God or actually use modes of transport to get there. I guess the same logic would apply. That does not mean, God cannot heal without medicine. He will do as He wills, we surrender to His will.

Much of the motivation for change (including healing) comes from what we believe. We tend toward becoming what we believe if we believe passionately (not just a mental acknowledgement). Example: many substantial changes (for better or worse) in the world were a result of love: seeking it, losing it, holding onto it. Obviously, hate as well. Prayer is for the soul/mind. If it has no effect on your mind/soul, don’t pray. Medicine is for the body. If it has no effect on your body, don’t take it. Peace.

Hope and dope have always been integral to the tribal shaman of nativity worldwide. The Cape of Good Hope and the escape of good dope were what my western European ancestors dealt with when they came and went to the Spice Islands. We can be assured that Columbus' legendary Atlantic boldness stemmed from as much these as an establishment of route. To call prayer ‘hope' is very much a reason we all can identify. Perhaps the folly we gather in calling medicine ‘dope' has us to readdress prayer as a facet of our nature that has established faith in God as a result.

‘To believe' is not so much to know as it is to ‘ be-live’ the relief of seeing ones thinking in hope transpire into personal experience. Then, with thankfulness bigger than what this world can contain, we act upon notion of ‘God' by prayer of earnest thanks and have our most hopeful suspicions conformed. It is a trans figurative experience of the physical mind of self that poses to God its wonderings. The apostle Paul, author of most of the New Testament of the Bible, referred to his state of mind concerning hope as ‘a constant state of ‘prayer'. It is no doubt that Paul found medicine and military both to be of sound rationale as to hope and dope.

The tribal shaman and the support of a prophet were high on a list of determinations of social prestige. Science and political persuasion were sacred studies and not only were they prone to be viewed as laboratory-borne deceptiveness, there was the civil hazard of they being the motivation of those who aspired to attain preeminence in a social cast of authority. Today, the shaman fears not the fool, and our spirituality can rightfully be kept as an embodiment of personal experience.

What is to question then is of a plural measure: together how do we regard our establishments of systems. Medicine and the material world and the many prayers it took to become sincerely thankful for them are the nut and shell of knowledge. Without prayer, a squirrel is more apt to use them wisely and one will not get an answer from any of all the sparrows. Here’s why I believe prayer and medicine can go together. I believe that all healing comes from God. He may deliver it miraculously and supernaturally through prayer alone, or He may deliver it through medicine, medical treatment, procedures, etc. When you pray for healing, do you really care how it comes?

Alternatively, think of it another way, when you call and order a pizza to be delivered to you, do you really care what kind of car the delivery driver is driving? Does that really matter or make a difference? Probably not because you just want your pizza. Not everyone has the level of faith to believe that healing can come through prayer alone. And since God loves everyone the same, regardless of their level of faith, He wants them to be healed. So, He will provide healing in accordance with their faith. Cheers!

Ruchi kulshrestha

Counselling Psychologist / Child Psychologist / Parenting & Adolescent counselor / Happiness Coach

3 年

Very true

Rahul Arora

Telecom Leader | Driving Excellence in Infrastructure and Sales Strategy

3 年

so true

Subodh Zare

FSQ & Regulatory Strategist | Culinary Ops | NPD & Sensory | IFM | Hospitality and Admin | Process Innovation | Vendor Management | Cost Optimization | Leadership Mentor | Ex-Boschler

3 年


