Today's devotional is from Life Is A Goldmine: Can You Dig It?
"One day Jonathan son of Saul said to his young armor-bearer, 'Come, let’s go over to the Philistine outpost on the other side'" - 1 Samuel 14:1.
Jonathan was hopelessly outnumbered when he decided one day to set a goal, and it was to attack the Philistine garrison that had been plaguing his people. Even though it was a bold venture with no precedent, he exercised faith and clearly stated what he was about to do. Notice also that he impacted and involved others, in this case his armor bearer, when he set the goal. Eventually, however, his success inspired the entire nation to step up and do something positive.
What impossible (for you) goals have you set lately? Who else can you involve in the goal's fulfillment? Must you have all the answers before you set the goal? If you do, then it's not a goal, it's a forecast or prediction. Your goals should be things you want to do but don't have the information or direction of how they will be accomplished—yet.
Lord, I have sung songs that told of Your ability to do the impossible, yet I've remained in my comfort zone, choosing to do nothing. You don't want Your power commemorated in song, however, but in my daily life! I want my life to count, and that will require me to have and use great faith., which goals help me express. Help me, I pray!