It's a March Monday and that means we talk about goals in this devotional from Life Is A Goldmine: Can You Dig It?
"So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it" - 2 Corinthians 5:9.
There is only one way to please God and that is to have faith and act accordingly. Your goals should involve faith, which means you don't have to know all the answers of how they will be accomplished when you set them. That should free to set some substantial goals that will require you to grow and learn in order to achieve them, and find the way to meet them along the way. Mostly, however, those faith-stretching goals will bring you closer to God and godliness, for they will require you to learn what you didn't know and go where you've never gone before.
Do you see goal-setting as spiritual? Do you have faith goals, goals that you have no idea how you will accomplish?Are they important enough to you that you will stretch yourself and trust God to get there? Is it your goal to please God in this entire process through faith?
Lord, I want to exercise faith that will please You, so if goals can help me do that, I want to set more than ever! Deliver me from having to know it all before I take the first steps of formulating and then pursuing my goals. I know You can do the impossible, but I'm not always sure You can or will do it for me, so help my unbelief!