Faith is the Fuel for Victory
You ever been through trials that have you seriously question your purpose for being here...let alone your sanity? I've been getting that we all are being pushed to the wire lately from God for us to set direction for the months to come. Let me explain what I mean. Admittedly, I've really struggled with my faith and a lot of other people have been going through the same challenges. But maybe this is all a lesson in how to turn anything thrown our way into fuel for change. What if our faith is the only way to shift the balance from being a victim of life to a power player in the world of Spirit?
As I sat at my desk today in an ongoing attempt to figure all of this out- she came. My beautiful and always present guardian angel. Her light and her love are so intoxicating it brings my usually racing mind to a gentle place of listening. She acknowledged my fears and advised me that if everything were always peaceful we as a people would never grow. We would never be motivated to go out and help our fellow man, The desire to break free from our comfort zone would never get the opportunity to feel the sweetness of victory or the ever-so presence of being rescued by God.
She gave me this amazing prayer to say when I felt low on faith and promised that when recited help from heaven would instantly come to guide me. I share this with you in love that whatever we go through to get to our miracle breakthrough will come to us by faith.
"Holy Spirit, through the movement of the body of Christ and my guardian angel, I affirm my faith in God the Almighty. Through my adversities and in my greatest hour of need, my feet will not be moved. My hands will not be still. I will continue to have joy and hope for the world. And so it is."