Faith Is Essential (No, Not The Religious Kind)

Faith Is Essential (No, Not The Religious Kind)

Since forever, I have had visions, huge visions of standing in front of crowds of people, leading them?, guiding them, teaching them, singing with them, helping them elevate in life and business…


And for the first 28 years of my life, I played it down…


I told myself that I was too proud — How dare I think that I could do that?


I begged and pleaded with the heavens to make my vision come true…


And then I waited for a spiritual magic bullet to make it happen on my behalf…


And then I got resentful with the Divine about the fact that nothing much had changed…


And then I tried to get in the good graces of my spiritual leader because then maybe, they would give me their platform to practise and build my audience on…


But firstly, I chose a church that did not let females do that stuff so that did not work…


And then I chose another place where I had many, many hoops to jump through and I got tired of that, after a bit…


And also, I am sure my desperation was showing and that NEVER works


All the while, I was looking externally for someone/something to come save me, instead of looking within me and taking the massive steps of faith that a BIG, HUGE vision like mine demands…


I then managed to go bankrupt with nothing to show for where all my money had gone…


Got depressed and tried to convince myself that nothing good ever happens to me…


I had my daughters, learnt the true meaning of love…


Learnt that the Divine loved me, REALLY TRULY LOVED ME and that there were no hoops to jump through for Him…


And then finally, FINALLY I started to get the message that I was responsible for creating the vision…


The Divine had given it to me so that I could do something with it and yep, I would get assistance when I chose to MOVE MY AWESOME ARSE, for real…


No manipulation…


No begging or pleading needed…


Just Massive ‘FAITH WALK’ type action…


I played it safe and went with a property business…


Not realising that it takes the same amount of energy to build something you don’t like as it does to build something you do…


But it was not all a loss, I learnt and got it in my head that I could build a business…


I had only dabbled before that.


I took a massive FAITH JUMP as I paid out £10k or so to a mentor BEFORE I made any money (or HAD any money, for that matter!!!)!


And then I managed to more than replace my pharmacist income in 18 months, win a Porsche Boxster for my efforts and increase the financial worth of my family with property/real estate!




I started to trust me properly again…


I started to see that I did not need anyone to give me a platform or to affirm me or to give me permission…


I could just step out in faith and believe that I could have whatever I wanted and had faith to create…


And since then, it has been one faith jump after another as I seek to continue elevating myself and realising the vision in my heart…


So, you, honey…


Have you taken a faith jump recently?


Or are you still on the fence waiting for that elusive spiritual magic bullet?


Are you hoping that someone will give you a platform?


Or hoping that you will be absolutely sure and certain before you even take a step?


No one has money at the start…


No one is sure at the start…


We just have a vision and we chose to take faith jumps to make it a reality…


Will you join us, the Deliberate Millionaires?


Or will you go look for some other person that makes you feel good while you sit on your awesome arse waiting for a miracle?


So many visions that could change the world trapped in people too scared to move…


Please do not be one of them!


Be the person that steps out in faith…


Be the person that does not just talk about their vision and dream…




And it only happens by stepping out in faith…


Paying to get the support you need even when you can’t ‘afford’ it…


Paying for advertising even when it seems scary…


Reaching out to that person even when scared that they will reject you…


Trusting your Higher Power to take care of you and never leave you abandoned…


Being stingy with your time and resources when it comes to saying ‘no’ to people that you used to always say ‘yes’ to…


Being okay with offending a few when you choose to truly stand in your power…


Stepping out of the comfort zone over and over and over again…


Will you do it?


The reward is worth it..


The waking up and knowing that you are doing what you are here to do, is amazing…


The creating an income doing what you love, is incredible…


This side of the fence is literally to die for!!!


So yes, die to your old doubt-filled existence and instead…


Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live


Because you want to.


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