Faith and courage
Carmelo Caruso
Live Your Emotion! Kefa Collection: Elegance, Style, and Exclusivity of Made in Italy.
? Faith and courage: the road leading to Petrus
? Solidarity business: KEFA’s commitment to charity
I am Carmelo Caruso, co-founder of KEFA, and today I will tell you my personal parable of faith, unforeseen events, coincidences and fulfillment: all complex inner workings that came together to create a perfect mechanism. In my case, this little miracle goes by the name of Petrus.
In our previous letters we have seen how abstract ideas (our aspiration for something "higher") and very concrete actions (creating the KEFA brand), led us across the thresholds of the Vatican to make a request that is inconceivable to say the least: to seek authorization to use the official emblem of the Vatican and Pope Francis’s personal emblem for the realization of our watch.
A privilege that seemed impossible to obtain, but fundamental to us. It meant strengthening and adding value to our idea and being able to consecrate our project with the blessing of the highest authority in the realm of faith.
For me, faith has always been a beacon to guide me in making courageous choices, on treacherous roads, in grasping signals that, to anyone else, would seem only coincidences. In this spirit, the project was presented to the Science and Faith Foundation – STOQ, the promotor of dialogue between the Church and the scientific world, with the promise, now kept, to donate part of the proceeds to specifically support its charitable works. With Petrus I wanted to give back something of what faith, over the years, has given me.
On January 22, 2020 the news finally came: the Vatican Secretary of State had accepted my request, authorizing the Foundation, with nothing short of a registered letter, to license me to use the two emblems to officially create the Petrus watch.
In short, the upper echelons of the Vatican had appreciated KEFA's mission: to combine business and solidarity. That day I realized that the watch hands of Petrus were destined never to stop.
"With Petrus I wanted to give back something of what faith, over the years, has given me."
We will be expecting you at the next meeting of the KEFA Club, where my partner, Gianluigi Di Lorenzo, a great aesthete who is passionate about watches and heraldry, will speak with you. He will be able to explain some of the Petrus details better than I can. You may find other information directly on the KEFA website.
In the meantime, however, I invite you to visit the KEFA online showcase and bid you farewell with this belief of mine: Petrus is a small treasure-trove of culture and millenary history to always take with you. It is not a watch, but a symbol which speaks of us. Wearing it, in fact, means sharing, at every handshake, a set of values in which to recognize one another and to aspire to.
Yours faithfully,
Carmelo Caruso