Faith's confession is always a joyful confession. It confesses that we have the money before it has arrive. It confesses perfect healing while the pain is still in the body. It confesses victory while defeat still holds it captive.
Your confession is based upon the living Word. "I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is not only able to make good, but He is making good now in my case."
I prayed for one who was very ill. After I had finished praying, the person said, "I know I am going to get well."
I knew that we were defeated, and I said to her, "When you going to get well?"
She said, "I do not know when, but I know I will, for the Word
cannot fail me."
I said, "No, but you have failed the Word. The Word is NOW,
faith is NOW. Is the Word true in your case?"
She said, "Yes, indeed it is true.”
"Then," I said, "by His stripes, what?"
She saw it. "Why, by His stripes I am healed."
I said, "When?" She said, "Now.”
I said, "You had better get up and dress, then.”
I remember an aged man in Fredericton, New Brunswick, a
deacon in the Baptist Church there, who came down with double pneumonia. Several of the local pastors and I went up to pray for him. I anointed him and we prayed. After we prayed he said with a strong voice, "Wife, get my clothes, I am getting up."
That was joy acting on the Word.
When we confess the Word with joy, it brings conviction to
the listeners.
In Romans 10:10 it says, "For with the heart man believeth."
I like to translate it like this, "For with the heart, man acts on
the Word."
The heart acts and that drives the lips to confession.
A doubting heart is a sense-ruled heart.
A fearless confession comes from a Word-ruled heart. The Word dominates their heart life and they speak as did Paul, "I know in whom I have believed."
As Paul stood on the deck of that ship in the midst of the awful storm, he said, "I believe God." Then he told those wondering men, "Every one of you will get to the shore safely, but the ship will be lost."
He said, "Come, let us eat breakfast." He broke bread and gave thanks in the midst of them. He gave them more than bread, he gave them courage.
Paul had a faith-filled, joyous confession.
Only a heart that is nourished on the Word can stand in these hard places.
When we know that the Word is God speaking to us now, it
is not difficult to act upon it.
In the Eighty-second Psalm it declares that "the Word is settled in heaven." When I read that, I saw that it must be settled in my heart. I would no longer "try" to settle it. I knew that no Word from God was void of fulfillment. I was no longer afraid to act upon it.
The Word became more real to me than any word man had
ever spoken. My lips were filled with laughter, my heart was filled with joy, and I had a victorious confession.
How many times have I seen the hesitant confession a forerunner of failure, and the joyful confession a forerunner of victory.
When we fearlessly act upon the Word and joyfully cast our
every care on Him, victory is as sure as the rising of the sun.
The Hidden Man.
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