Faith and Business Friday 1//26/24

Faith and Business Friday 1//26/24

Personal Development: (Getting Yourself Right)

I've probably said this before in a previous newsletter but it bears repeating. There is nothing you can't find, read about, learn or see when you jump into the Internet. Every bit of information from the dawn of time or almost everything, is out there for consumption.

Yet, humanity remains broken, relationships go bad, there are cover-ups and dust-ups and scandals across the spectrum of society occur daily it seems. We have yet to perfect ourselves and it truly seems we are going in the other direction.

Gnosticism has taken root (again) in our modern society, quickly replacing the Judeo-Christian ethos. The Gnostic "gospel" is that human salvation will ultimately be achieved through knowledge (science and technology) and not through faith.

The downfall of every person and every generation does not start in the head, it starts in the human heart that is born broken and cannot be mended by science or technology.

Professional Mastery: (Getting Your Business Right)

One of my working geniuses, based on an Working Genius assessment created by Patrick Lencioni and team, is Discernment (the other is Tenacity). A section of the description of discernment is telling for me - "it entails pattern recognition and integrative thinking" and that I "derive energy and joy from evaluating whether an idea is sound.." Spot on, guilty as charged! So, it's interesting that I have somewhat boiled business and the thousands of books that have been written about business into two buckets; leadership (such as Patrick's books and expertise) and the mechanics of business or the actual "doing" of business.

Each bucket has sub-categories of course which I have outlined in a document I call "Attollo’s Roadmap to Building a High-Performing Business". If you would like a copy of it drop me an email paul@ Don't worry I promise that I won't put you on a drip campaign or subscribe you to the weekly "Faith and Business Friday" newsletter! :-)

Spiritual Maturity: (Getting Your Relationship with God right)

St. Paul says in Ephesians 4:22-24 "Put off the old man that belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new man, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness."

It's painful to review and make a list of the habits of the "old man". It's even more painful to think about eliminating them and even more so to actually do it.

The difficulty in change is succinctly put by Neil Young. "Old man, look at my life I'm a lot like you were." (A classic for the boomers...)

Catholic Meme:



