Faith and Business Friday 05/26/23
Personal Development - The hurdles you may be facing to achieve personal direction are:
Professional Mastery - Almost every business book identifies similar components of business that need to be worked on in order to achieve success.
The book Traction identifies them as:
The book E-Myth Revisited identifies them as:
The book Business Made Simple identifies them as:
The book Scaling Up identifies them as:
Each book covers the general areas of the others. Rather than jump from one to another or the "latest" it's more efficacious to find one that works with your style and stick with it!
Spiritual Maturity - God calls us, but He does not constrain us, He grants man full liberty to accept or to refuse His divine invitation. Matthew 19: 21. If you would be perfect, …..come, follow me.”?
Catholic Meme - We have to laugh!