Faith and Business Friday 01/13/23

Faith and Business Friday 01/13/23

Personal Development - I can summarize all the personal development gurus and all their books in one paragraph. Ready? A truth bomb heading your way.

If you are unwilling to pay the price to achieve excellence in your life, stop misleading yourself, your family, clients, staff, or colleagues with time-wasting, demoralizing attempts to convince them that you are actually committed to pursuing your goal. That's it.

If you don't have the courage to change your lifestyle, permanently, then stop trying to set goals you never plan to work toward. No planner, to-do app, or the next personal development workshop. or seminar will help. It all comes down to your personal drive to change and improve yourself.

Professional Mastery - Artificial Intelligence is coming, and not all of A.I. wants to kill off mankind (AKA the Terminator). Some A.I. tools do boring things like help you construct replies to emails or help you write better articles...Check this out!

Spiritual Maturity - "Speaking the truth is polarizing. It got Jesus killed. Bad people with bad ideas dislike good people trying to do good things."?- Archbishop Chaput.

Archbishop Charles Chaput has a view on some central issues in the life of the Church. Read the full interview in The Pillar.



