Faith Burns has been in the title business since she was a baby child. At 19, she went to work for an oil and gas company and started doing real estate searching in the land records in 23 counties in West Virginia so that they could then get in touch with these folks to try to drill for oil and gas.
Then she moved back to Maryland in 1986 and decided to open her own title abstracting. She had that for many years, employed 13 people at its peak and had some great times. Once that everything went online, as far as researching goes, she really missed the interaction with people. You’re on a computer instead of in a courthouse amongst all her peeps.
She decided to go ahead and get into real estate settlements and that way she was out networking all the time; she was sitting at the closing table with folks and interacting again. She really loves it and it’s been about 35 years.
You have to be vetted in order to borrow money. The property has to be clear and that means that if there are any liens against it like federal tax liens, any kind of title Issue, they would find that amongst the land records in whatever county that was. It’s a complicated thing that many people take for granted and it has to be done in order for it to be insured and in order for you to get the loan to buy the property or borrow against it.
Probably the hardest thing for Faith was she was close friends with everybody that worked for her. It’s hard for her not to be that way and so it was difficult when somebody didn’t work out and she had to fire them. She hated it and she cried every time she became friends with all these folks.
When you spend time in close quarters in a record room in the courthouse, you become very close friends with people and she was fortunate to have some really excellent employees along the way and they’re still her friends to this day. Some of them are still in the same business but money kind of came out of it a little bit when it all went online because they weren’t as important as people thought they were.
One of her closest friends is still in the business. She still owns an abstracting company and she gets to share an office with her every day. It made sense for Faith to then move into a social position where she can go out and network and bring in new business and sit at a closing table with people. It just made sense for her personally and socially.
It’s not for everybody because going out to events by yourself, walking in by yourself is not the greatest thing at first but the more you do it and choose those groups that are going to work for you, know don’t spread yourself too thin because that that’s not good. You can’t be everywhere, but choosing the few groups that you do after you go several times, you’re not really by yourself anymore because you know these people now. They have become part of your family or network.
It was difficult in the beginning and she gives huge credit to John Maggio who pulled her into networking in Annapolis and made that her family. It was very welcoming and it got her used to going out to other events as well. Right now, she’s going crazy because she missed those folks so bad and doing that on Zoom is just not the same. They’re big huggers and you can’t hug through Zoom.
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