The Faith of the Brave...

The Faith of the Brave...


Leaders need Faith to Empower their Business and their Life to Greater Success with the Best Talent.

In a world that is rapidly evolving, it takes a brave leader to embrace change and have faith and imagination to unlock the untapped potential of their workforce and to implement innovative ideas that potential create economic developments beyond the past. We are witnessing a global shift towards a more conscious, purpose-driven existence, where individuals seek a richer and more fulfilling experience both personally and professionally.

When you see the famous faces above, do you feel uplifted and with the faith - the belief - "if they can survive and thrive often against huge odds, I can too?"

Choose your Battles with Faith in Yourself and Others

However, many leaders find themselves hesitant to fully embrace this new worldview within the workplace. They fear that challenging traditional structures may lead to instability or disrupt the foundations on which their organizations stand. But it is precisely in this moment of uncertainty that we need courageous leaders like you to illuminate the path forward. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, generations, cultures, preferences and values. What they have in common is the ability to lead and inspire others to success with a smile!

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Shatter your Boundaries and Ignite Change

We invite you to join us in a journey of transformation, where fear gives way to enlightenment. It is time to create examples that inspire and foster courage within our organizations. By leveraging the immense talent within your workforce, you have the opportunity to reshape the way we collaborate, innovate, and drive growth in a post-pandemic economy.

Our understanding of today's world is that leaders like you who are eager to embrace change, leverage the collective brilliance of their teams, and propel their organizations to new heights. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect you have inherent in your leadership lifestyle:

  1. Nurturing a Culture of Consciousness: You are eager to discover practical strategies for integrating mindfulness, purpose-driven values, and empathy into the fabric of your organization, unlocking the full potential of your workforce.
  2. Empowering Collaborative Leadership: you love to unlearn and relearn new ways to cultivate a culture of trust, inclusivity, and open communication, enabling your team members to thrive and contribute their unique talents and perspectives.
  3. Embracing Innovation: you are an adventurer and love to explore innovative approaches to problem-solving, encouraging creativity, and adapting to the ever-changing business landscape in a post-pandemic era.
  4. Case Studies of Courageous Leadership: you are the stories of today that give others inspiration from your real-life examples as leaders who have fearlessly navigated the challenges of transformation, and learn from their experiences and successes. You are that wonderful balance of humility and joyful sharing of self. No narcissist ego here!
  5. Balanced Perspectives on Life, Business and AI: you unconsciously know there is more value to women leading alongside men as we face an economic roller coaster post pandemic. You value the shifting landscape of AI integration into the human synergy equation: i.e., that which makes the sum of the parts greater than the parts. Men and women add up to "more than that which each brings" and if you can embrace a multiple landscape of natural talents using authentic harmony principles and AI mastery, you will gain the market advantage.


I have been on an exciting entrepreneurial adventure over the last 30 years, and presented my thought leadership to audiences in UK and Europe, Malaysia, India, Africa and USA - and with the introduction of zoom, my audiences are in all corners of our globe. What I discovered when I embraced the lack of 'heart' in UK business and set up Corporate Heart Ltd in 1999, there were leaders who lacked the willingness to value people. Large corporation absorbed stress related costs and low enthusiasm from less-than-happy employees. My Team at Corporate Heart Ltd UK raised the bar on 'wellness' by introducing a value creation equation that was all too obvious. Happy employees made happy customers, happy customers made happy shareholders!!

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As the call for more women to top roles continued unabated over the 90s, 2000s, and into social media over the last 23 years, we know the debate about equality for women caused drama and dilemma. Pre-pandemic women were gaining ground but still not equality. In 2013 I travelled onto Malaysia for 4 years and worked extensively with male leaders and female entrepreneurs, now 2018 onwards I live in USA and working internationally, I see a new world emerging.

Women and men are making new choices across multiple business, family and life influences and deciding their own self selected way of working. Talent is everywhere and our world, post pandemic, has shifted focus to technology reigning sovereignty, hybrid working a possibility for parents and AI changing the landscape for ever. You as a Leader need to stay wise and alert, agile and adaptable, and now more than ever before, you must know your people and the talent that is on offer.

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This is your clarion call to lead with courage, authenticity, and a deep sense of purpose. By tapping into the vast potential of your leadership teams, and your workforce, you have the power to shape a future where growth and success go hand in hand with conscious, sustainable practices.

I invite you on a leadership transformative journey and to consider new choices for your leader lifestyle and productive success. You can create a workplace that not only thrives but also nourishes the hearts and bodies of those who contribute to its success.

Together, let's unleash the power within.
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As a valued member of my business network, I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for our ongoing connection and explore the potential for further collaboration.

In today's competitive business landscape, building strong relationships is essential to thriving and staying ahead. It is evident that our shared dedication to nurturing meaningful connections has been instrumental in our individual successes.

However, I believe there is even greater potential to leverage our networks and create new opportunities together.

Rather than focusing solely on selling products or services, I propose a shift in our perspective—one that emphasizes leveraging our combined business relationships. By recognizing the power of collaboration, we can tap into a vast network of contacts, expertise, and resources that can benefit both of us.

All great success comes with surrounding yourself with likeminded talent, great connections and out-of-the box thinking - I am looking for you.

Learning knowledge, sharing experiences and tapping into natural gifts such as imagination, curiosity, intuition, creativity and self awareness together; I'm looking for 8 highly efficient leaders who desire to raise the bar and leverage their lead top teams and workforce in extra-ordinary ways and enrich their business with a heart of gold.


This proposal is for the first EIGHT spaces only (online cohort internationally based with peer mentoring and connections/access to major players) to pioneer a new leader narrative that raises the bar on employee engagement, creative productivity and authentic harmony (and so much more than DEI gender equality policies) to grow the heart of your business. This is an exclusive offer to highly successful business leaders only.?

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If you are a leader of an influential business and eager to take this step, book your time with me, CODE TOP LEVEL

Here are a few ideas on how we can effectively leverage our leader impact and connect across the markets we work in and with, and raise the effective 'heart' of productive profitable business across the globe.

  1. Knowledge Exchange: Let's share insights, industry trends, and market intelligence that could prove valuable to each other. By staying informed, we can anticipate market shifts and seize emerging opportunities.
  2. Referral Partnerships: Introduce each other to individuals or companies within our networks who could benefit from our respective offerings. A strong endorsement carries significant weight and can lead to fruitful collaborations.
  3. Joint Ventures: Identify areas where our businesses complement each other and explore the potential for joint ventures. By combining our unique strengths, we can tackle larger projects or expand into new markets more effectively.
  4. Co-marketing Initiatives: Consider partnering on marketing campaigns, webinars, or events that cater to our target audiences. By pooling resources, we can increase our reach and brand exposure.
  5. Mentoring and Support: Let's offer guidance and support to each other as trusted advisors within our networks. Sharing experiences and expertise can help us overcome challenges and accelerate growth.

I genuinely believe that by leveraging our business relationships, we can unlock new wealth doors of positive influence - and achieve greater heights together. I invite you to share your thoughts on these ideas or suggest alternative strategies that align with our goals and aspirations. This is my passion, purpose and legacy to bring disparate elements to work together as we unfold a future worth living!!

My deepest gratitude to Izabela Lundberg, M.S. of The Legacy Leaders Institute for her loving support for me, for my ideas and Gender Dynamics Intelligence expertize - and for always honoring my mission to bring authentic harmony to a world in chaos. Thank you.

The world awaits out gifts....

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Olga Komissarova

Researcher & Data Specialist

1 年

No legacy. There is nothing we can take with us when we die. It is better to give up on everything while you are still alive. The transition would be easier.

Tim Bowman

Author of The Leadership Letter weekly column; Consulting Expert with OnFrontiers; advisor and mentor on leadership and public service; retired U.S. Army and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Officer.

1 年

Lead with a purpose. It seems so obvious, Pauline, but it is lost on so many who mistake statistics for results. If you can't look beyond the spreadsheets to understand why you do what you do, you are in the wrong line of work.

Hitendra Govind Mistry

With Over 30+ years in IT Experience and looking for new adventures now! - Systems Analyst Programmer, Leicester, England, UK ????

1 年



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