Fairytales are all lies. ??

Fairytales are all lies. ??

"You said to me, crying: fairytales are all lies, and it's impossible for me to be your prince."

That's what the photo above says: originally it's part of the lyrics in the song "Fairytale" (in Mandarin Chinese), but obviously, it's been turned into memes. ??

Recently, a sudden event in my relationship shattered my fairytale dreams right in front of me. Despite the shock, anger, and disappointment, I knew that this exposed the utter fragility of the romantic fairytales I grew up with. So I embarked on a journey to live minute by minute, without any plans - and I'm excited to share my findings with you here. ??


I hated uncertainty for most of my life. But as of now, I'm really enjoying this magical, vast unknownness, that feels like tripping on psychedelics. ??

I'm observing how my neuropathways are rewired real time. I remembered so many things that I thought were long forgotten. I discovered dimensions of my personality, that I unconsciously abandoned after I got into a relationship. I started to randomly recall songs I listened to 10+ years ago, like the one I mentioned at the beginning - and dissected them like the scientist I am.

After this famous line of lyrics that's been turned into memes, the song "Fairytale" went on: "I want to become the angel that you love in the fairytales, and turn my arms into wings to protect you. You need to believe that we will end up happily ever after - just like in fairytales."


How I hated this. But how I desired this, too.

As early as 9 years old, I declared that I never wanted marriage and children, because I observed the dysfunctional monogamous marriages in my family. But all of the songs, all of the movies, and all of the people who suffered in marriages themselves, told me that I would only be happy with a fairytale prince. And, if I don't achieve this by the age of 25, I'm a "leftover" on the market. ??

The more I felt the pressure, the more I resisted. But as the pressure went down, I started to notice my physical and emotional needs. I approached dating fearfully, trying hard to avoid the patterns I observed growing up, yet desiring the fairytale relationship that "all my friends and Instagram influencers" seem to have.

I set out to look for a heterosexual, monogamous relationship with clear labels called "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" - just like what all the fairytales told me to do. I told myself "I won't settle for anything less in the shitty casual dating scene in Berlin". ?? Quite quickly, I found what I was looking for.


What were the entire iceberg of expectations underneath this heterosexual, monogamous, clearly-labelled relationship?

"He will look at me, and only me, with stars in his eyes."

"He will prioritize me over video games."

"He will see all of my trauma and hold me tight and promise me to never let me go."

I'm not into marriage, so I'm not even at "he will propose on a beach after dating for a year" - yep, I know friends who very much expect that, and later ask "why aren't German guys into marriage". ?? (PS. I know German guys who indeed proposed within a year, and German guys who never want to get married. So it's really less about nationality.)

Guess what? None of these turned out to be true.

The more I demanded love to be delivered in certain ways according to my "love languages", highly sensitive personality, astrology... the more resentful me and my boyfriend both felt, with very little practical changes on the outside.


How about the whole world of implicit rules I set for myself to be a "good girlfriend"?

"I cannot tell my boyfriend about my exes. Or else he will be hurt."

"I need to show my affection all the time. Or else he might not be sure if I like him, and will then leave me."

"I need to learn his hobbies. If I end up not engaged in his hobbies, he might leave me one day for someone with those hobbies."

Sacrifice. Self-censorship. De-prioritization of my own needs - based on fear.

Guess what? None of these turned out to be true.

I was surprised to see that my past dating stories received zero resentment but lots of curiosity. I was surprised to receive even more affection when I was not hyperfocused on him, but on myself instead. I asked myself if I would leave my partner, because he doesn't share all my hobbies: this has literally never crossed my mind. So why did I assume bad intentions coming at me from others?


In the past days, I embarked on a quest for truth.

I shared my situation honestly with my parents and some friends. I received honesty back: every single person that I've spoken to, talked about how they faced boredom, fear, guilt, suspicion, uncertainty, painful attempts to reconcile, and more truths of humans being together - instead of fairytales that end with "happily ever after". Every single person tells me how they knew the social expectations were not realistic, but felt the whole world lied to them when their human relationships turned short of fairytales.

If I had not initiated these conversations, I would not have known the majority of these stories from my family and friends. No wonder why I hear such stories much less in public.

Shame, guilt, and fear, are understandable human emotions.

But these are also the exact same emotions that keep us from authentic self-expression, reinforce people-pleasing, and perpetuate the myths of fairytales until more people wake up in their own pain.


I am done with fairytales.

I am also done with pretending the nonexistence of lies - lies that spread through pop culture, passed down through generations.

Fairytales are undoubtedly all lies.

Breaking this out can hurt a lot. After all, it was painted to be something so beautiful, that each of us deserves to have eventually.

What we all need to learn is that, nothing is more beautiful than Truth.

Truth is messy, non-linear, but honestly, way more interesting.

To be surrounded by truth and to tell our own truth, breaking out from the fairytale dream is absolutely necessary.

Are you ready?



PS. As I'm on this brand new life experiment of living minute by minute, without any plans, any promises, any attempts to predict or control the future - I'm going to experiment with my newsletter as well. The next newsletters might come at different times in different frequencies. In any case, you will be updated on this whole journey ?? thank you for walking alongside me!! ??


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