I came across an interesting blog post and wanted to share it with you. Fairtrade fortnight is now underway March 4th - 17th 2024. This is a special festival for companies, individuals, groups and welfare organisations to collaborate, to recognise and celebrate the farmers and workers, who work so hard in their developing countries, to produce the food that comes to our tables.
History of Fairtrade Fortnight.
The Fairtrade Foundation was introduced in 1992 by CAFOD, Christian Aid, New Consumer, Oxfam, Traidcraft and the World Development Movement. In 1997, the chairman of Christian Aid, Lady Marion Fraser, launched the very first FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT. This campaign became an instant success and it has grown larger each year.
Spare a thought.
When you are sitting at your dinner table tonight, or eating your meal, on your knee while watching TV. Spare a thought on where your food and coffee have come from. In an age where there are still workers falling victim to unethical practices. The Fairtrade Fortnight celebration raises awareness about ethical trading. During this fortnight, young people aged between 5 and 25 are invited to share their vision of the world for farmers. This increases their inspiration and moulds them for a better world.
Giving a Voice.
This campaign raises the voices of farmers and workers across the globe. The collective power of global supporters brings potential solutions to their issues.
To find out more about Fairtrade Fortnight and more interesting facts, follow the link below.