Fairness, Justice and Other Oddities
Fairness and justice are essential to any institution or individual, everybody and everything that is used must be judged performance wise not looks, likes, @ or pessonality.
Performances are distributed along the normal bell-shaped curve, a few outstanding ones at one end, the vast majority of satisfactory in the middle and a few undeniably unsuitable at the other end.
Rewarding outstanding performances is important, much more neglected is equal importance need to make sire that the undeachievers do not get rewarded, this beeing to paintful it dosen't get done very often.
You never know who is reacting to what part of your effort to be fair, some may flee, call sick or underperform, if you do it, you must make sure it is fair, which is not easy, injustice is buit into our society and even into our instincts, if you take a closer look ,,the world seems to be divided into those who produce the results and those who get the credit''.
To lead people, walk behind them!