Fairness: Crafting Your Wealth Allocation Principles
The principles that you establish underpinning how wealth is shared across your next generation will determine your legacy. If these principles are not carefully crafted, they will seed conflict, legal disputes, declining business performance and family division. And with that, the end of your legacy.
Active Knowledge Question:
Do your wealth allocation principles address all the key issues?
As we have discussed over the past few weeks, establishing clear principles for the allocation of wealth across your next generation is a vital task in succession. Bear in mind succession is all about ‘enabling the compounding of wealth from generation to generation while ensuring family unity, individual growth and a sense of contribution’.
Fairness is essential to underpin unity, and that requires setting principles, testing them, inviting contribution and being transparent. Determining an allocation of wealth where an active business/es exist on the basis of your judgement, and leaving its communication until the reading of your Will, is to invite disaster from a succession perspective.
To allow you to craft a set of principles that can be tested and then opened up for the next generation to comment on, firstly answer the following questions:
And based upon your answers to these questions, begin to craft your principles of wealth allocation. Once done, take those principles and apply them to your wealth then step back and reflect on whether the outcomes are fair. If not adjust your principles and try again. And be ready to explain why someone may receive more than another and why you consider that fair. After this step, you are ready to share your draft principles with your family and invite their comment.
Throughout this process, you must always bear in mind that fairness will require open communication. Your goal is to preserve what you have built during your lifetime, allow it to grow and provide well for future generations of your unified family. That is your legacy at work.
'Orienteering Succession' is a guide to Family Business Succession crafted around a topographical map of the journey of succession to support across generational engagement. It seeks to support the creation of Deliberate Family Businesses - Across Generations.
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