Fair Play & Mirror Rule

Fair Play & Mirror Rule

As often happens, we may be obliged by agreements or expectations shaping our relations and state of affairs. Moreover, we may come across new and changed terms against the mirror image rule requiring an unequivocal and absolute acceptance.

Yet, when we get involved in questionable and unreasonable affirmations or just one-sided promises and/or concessions that is called as an empty bag, we may have agreed to wait or do something in exchange for nothing.

Ultimately, not every promise is a legally enforceable contract.

Accordingly, just as stated in the course from Harvard University at edX, called "Contract Law: From Trust to Promise to Contract"; following criteria should be ckecked:

*Is there an intent to create legal relations? *Are both sides serious? *Is this a legal or moral? *Is this a gift or bargain?

Regardless of how/what/why, while we are standing behind one-sided compromises (not because of lack of or weak negotiation skills but because restrictions due to wrong calls and limiting priorities), then we need a crystal clear and reliable roadmap.

Indeed, in case of dilemmas or disputes, we may not have a chance to ask a crystal ball. However, just for a few seconds, we can go beyond the real life and think hypothetically.

So, let’s think about what would happen if we had a chance to get an answer through a magic ball or mirror, just like in 'Mirror Mirror', a fantasy film based on a fairy tale 'Snow White'..

When faced with inconveniences would not be nice to get some perspective just by asking ‘Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, Who’s the Fairest, Most Consistent, Best Player of them all?’ More importantly, 'Who will get the last laugh or ride for a fall?'

Apart from these, when unasked or unanswered questions are in the air or when the near future does not promise satisfactory solutions, acting with sense and wisdom play a critical role to avoid polemics, eliminate deadlocks and orchestrate dynamics / possibilities..

In this respect, please kindly find my previous post named "Use Your Judgment", as well. 


Enjoy your reading..


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