Is it a fair COP?
Graham Hendra
Heat pump product development engineer. Author of heat pump text books. Heat pump builder.
When consumers are comparing heat pumps the no 1 thing, they search out is the COP. COP or coefficient of Performance is just a measure of percentage efficiency. Take power out divided by power in and you get COP. In all heat pumps this figure is always above 1, if it was expressed in percentages that would give a figure above 100% which although true is hard to believe so we use COP instead.
COP is usually measured at 35-degree flow temperature at an ambient of 7 degrees C, its known as the bullshit COP. It is a totally unrealistic measurement. I have never seen a unit run in this condition, at 7 degrees ambient no one wants their radiators running at 35 degrees C. It would be far more realistic to publish the COP at -2C and 50 degrees flow but I do not make the rules.
I liken COP to miles per gallon MPG in cars. The better the MPG the cheaper it is to run. Everyone knows the advert says the car will do 50 MPG but only if you drive everywhere at 56 mph. COP is the same, as long as the temperature outside is a constant 7 degrees C you will achieve the bullshit COP figure.
A few years ago, a measure called SCOP or seasonal COP was devised, this gives an average or Seasonal COP across the whole year. Its not a bad measure and gives a pretty good estimation of the efficiencies you are going to achieve. So, my advice is ask for the SCOP and ignore the COP figures.
Now everyone who is a master of Heat Pumpery knows that ALL heat pumps are more efficient if the weather is warmer and the water you are supplying is colder. I've plotted an example below. You can see the COP or efficiency falls as the water temperature rises and the COP falls with the ambient temperature. You must pay for “the lift” or lifting the temperature from the outdoor air to the water temperature.
OK that is clear, most people believe heat pumps are more efficient in Summer and less efficient in winter, but…………………. my cop is lowest in August and September, Why?
The answer is a simple one. Every heat pump consumes power just by being switched on, it is not much power but like a boiler if the power is on the controls and the PCB are all lit up just waiting to go. Let us assume that my unit uses 1 kW hr of electricity per day just being switched on. That is the equivalent of 40 Watts. This is wasted energy it is in the garden warming up the air.
In August, my unit does no heating and only heats the tank once a day, it only produces 3.1 kWhrs of heat a day. So that kW hr of just being switched on represents 33% of the heat produced. This ruins the cop. In February and March my unit produces 60-70 kW hrs of heat a day (its winter so the heating is on) so the 1 kW hr standby power is less than 2% of the heat produced.
So, watching your COP every day is a mugs game, the figures are skewed in summer. If you never turned your heating or hot water on the heat pumps would still use 365 kWhrs of electricity a year and produce no heat, that is an SCOP of 0.
Top hint, your boiler is doing the same, but no one is measure int eh amount of electricity it uses. They only watch the gas.
So don’t watch the COP every day, look at the actual run cost. In the end its the bit you are paying for.
Experienced Project Manager & Green Campaigner
1 年Ok so you buy a car with MPG of 60 at 56 mph. You’re constantly getting 40 MPG under similar conditions. Would you be happy with that? Maybe pause for thought and wonder if there is something wrong with the car - maybe a cylinder isn’t firing properly? But instead it’s implied I’m a mug for challenging the installer to investigate further.
Director | Operations | Sales | Lead Generation | Data Analysis | Digital Marketing
4 年Think Gerard is chasing a bite ????
Ultra [email protected] - Residential ultra-high efficiency Cool Heat + hot water production . Ultra-starts where others loose site of Efficiency .
4 年I cant find any other way to say this politely who in their right bloody mind would support any energy industry when they want you to waste 50% of what you pay for ? Say whatever you like WE all Know the truth about a cold cycle and the reverse of it , This manipulated rubbish fed to humans about heat pumps using the ground to draw heat from or use ice cold rivers to warm you really needs to stop Ok they might get a little better heating capacity but they can say what they like They now hide waste in the ground or rivers, and that's smart when you dont want to admit you make a client buy energy and waste half of it > Europe's answer to the world is 80 million heat pumps and we are all fixed up ? Pity 2/3 rd of the world battles with heat and cool and to date there is not one machine or circuit designed to be totally circular in its application and cant be while men providing energy find ways to convince us a broken system will look much better ONE day using clean green energy ? so the answer I see is they will avoid talking Cop to waste and evaluate usable COP values to make us all feel Great and in 2020 not one option addresses using Cool and heat together at the same time ? why
National Sales Manager - Renewable Systems at Vaillant Group
4 年Good read Graham
Ultra [email protected] - Residential ultra-high efficiency Cool Heat + hot water production . Ultra-starts where others loose site of Efficiency .
4 年for many of the reasons below we designed out a heat pump out did noy use a boiler , added thermal storage to both sides of one chiller and back up electrical clean energy heat using solar feed into batteries and excess heat-generating energy to top up solar what we all miss and regardless of where you hide it, is cool energy sent or dumped the other part of COP no one talks about while operating this refigeration unit know called a HEAT PUMP ? I also think this talk of saying a heat pump can cool and heat needs scrutiny? if using air over coils Ok it can but ground loops ? and again while it is doing only one role what waste is it producing and should that COP figure be taken off the generated COP this entire debate is about > and yes you right men try explaining that to a client who now need to comply to regulation to fit heat pumps that will save the world ?