(A Light That Will Soon Shine Like the Noon-Day Sun)
By Ken Simmons?
As was pointed out in previous articles my wife and I read to one another each morning, first from the Bible, and then from one of many books we select, sometimes using one of my books, but now we are now re-reading The Harbinger II by Jonathan Cahn. ?
This book contains a list of warnings, harbingers of things to come if America fails to return to its core values, fails to return to God. In the case of Israel of old that nation was repeatedly warned, but ignored those warnings, and they turned their backs on God. They defiantly continued to sacrifice their children through the fire to placate pagan gods, and in doing so they faced the consequences. Their nation was destroyed and they were carried off into captivity. This happened twice, first at the hands of the Assyrians, and later by the Babylonians. We are seeing striking parallels between ancient Israel and the America of today.?
The United States of America was originally begun by Christian men and women of God, and for much of its life as a new nation it faithfully served Him. Although it took 89 years for American slaves to be emancipated America was learning to be a nation those motto was “In God We Trust,” and in most part it was a nation that actually did trust in God. In 1892 the Supreme Court declared “This is a Christian nation.”?
Fast forward to 1963-1964 when the black-robed gods we call the Supreme Court, declared that Bible reading, and later Bibles, were unconstitutional in America’s schools. This was the result of atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s life- long effort to remove God from public life in America. And, in 1973, less than a decade later, that same court usurped its authority overriding rights specifically granted to the states, and legalized abortion in all 50 states.?
Fast forward again, this time to 2015, when five Supreme Court justices decided that what God had sanctified as holy matrimony, was in essence “unfair,” and they then proceeded to sanctify unholy matrimony. In celebration President Barack Obama had the White House bathed in colors of the rainbow.?Ceremonies celebrating unholy matrimony are now commonplace.
Many today are asking, “Is America’s destiny doomed to follow the pattern of ancient Israel? Is our fate sealed?”?
During the periods when Israel was held captive we were in a period known as The Old Covenant. This was a time during which God’s laws were hard and fast, and in some cases actually written in stone. The law(s) which came down from God and were given to Moses, were meant to show Israel that it was not possible to abide by all the laws. As we see in the writings of St. Paul, those laws were actually meant to convince us that perfection was impossible – we were never capable of fulfilling the law, and if we failed in one single point of the law we were guilty of all the law. We had no recourse except to fall on the mercy of God.?
This pointed to a period we now know as The New Covenant, a time when someone else came to fulfill the law. It was Jesus, the Christ, the long-awaited Messiah, and when He was crucified He said, “It is finished,” and the massive veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, and we are now in a period of grace. His sacrifice, which carried all of the sins of mankind with him to the grave, meant there was no longer a separation between man and God, but He Himself was our sacrifice for sins. Mankind now had a means for salvation.?
So is there hope for America? Time will tell, but we recently saw when a faint light was lit in the darkness, and Roe v. Wade was overturned. It was only “a small step for mankind,” but a step in the right direction. Abortion has now been sent back to the states, since according to the United States Constitution, it was a right never granted to the federal government. ?
As I have previously written, we are now living in a time when two separate and prophetic things, epic in scope, are happening simultaneously. ?
Borrowing a phrase from author Charles Dickens, I earlier wrote that we are now experiencing “The Best of Times, The Worst of Times” seemingly at once. During this period there will be that which has been called The Great Falling Away, as outlined in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, when there will be a massive rejection of God and His values, and we are seeing the results of that apostasy now, when the world seems to have embraced evil on a wholesale level. We are witnessing the indoctrination of school children in LGBTQ values, as well as their sexual mutilation, in an effort to blur all lines of gender, etc. The list is long and you likely know it well. ?
At the same time we are entering into, as is this writer’s considered opinion, The Best of Times during which is the beginnings of The Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days, as found in Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2:17. This will be a time accompanied by great signs and wonders, when the Sons of God will begin to manifest and a powerful and sweeping move of God will eventually reach over the entire globe. Without knowing it, the world has been waiting for this. (See Romans 8:19-22).?
How does one make it through these tumultuous times? How does one navigate their way through the turmoil of today, and then find their way to become part of this great final move of God in the end times? ?
It’s not complicated. Reach out to Jesus, for “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.” (See John 14:6)