FAINOMENON collective - PORIN JUHLAVIIKOT 3.-18.9.2022
Vesa Loikas
I explore the interactions, relationships & juxtapositions formed when landscape, architecture and people come together. I am a fine art photographer & film maker based in Turku, Finland.
For Porin Juhlaviikot 3.-18.9.2022 FAINOMENON collective created an immersive AR- installation FAINOMENON using ARTIVIVE - platform.
FAINOMENON collective is
visual- / installation-artist Saara Nurmi saaranurmi.com
Photographer / filmmaker Vesa Loikas vesaloikas.com
Choreographer/dancer Maria Nurmela marianurmela.com
and Australian composer / soprano Jane Sheldon janesheldonsoprano.com
a collective whose aim is to produce multidisciplinary, multi-artistic, interactive, interdisciplinary, installation-based and participatory experiential realities for a wide range of audiences.