Failures are orphans; success has many fathers:
And yes, it’s true!! 100 percent true. If you know what success tastes like, you’ll have people to claim it before you do. Because success is glorified, it attracts recognition and appreciation. It brings praise and respect. On the other side of the coin, we have failures. People who were a part of your journey would even blame you for the non-performance of your luck. They totally withdraw themselves from the situation you are in. Failures get you shame and criticism, but learning and experience are tagged along with failures, which surely will go a long way with you.
Success is accompanied by congratulations, and failures are escorted by uncountable advice.
But do remember: Failures are the best teachers. Aware you about your mistakes. So rather than moaning over it, learn from it. Rather than treating it as an act of shame, treat it like a tool for betterment. Failure is not the end, but a restart with experience and wisdom. It lets you generate the power of acceptance to stand again after a fall and perform again with a high spirit. Life is a blend of choices. It is you, and only you, who have to decide for yourself. Take charge of your decisions and life. There is nothing like a right or wrong decision; it’s you who make it right with your hard work and intelligence. Learn from your failures and make your success last forever.