A Failure, which I could rectify but I didn’t.

A Failure, which I could rectify but I didn’t.

Today I have a story to tell. It is a story of my failure. It is the story about the lessons I learned from that failure. 

It was the time of my college days, I was in 3rd year of B.Tech. I along with my friend started campus magazine for which I was really passionate about. I wanted to write the articles by my own in that magazine but with due to lack of confidence in writing articles, I decided not to write an article in that magazine and my friend told me to write articles more professionally, not by us, but by those who could be good at writing impressive articles, so he talked to his few friends who were studying in NIT, and AMITY, his friends loved the ideas of this campus magazine and ready to write articles for our magazine. Most of the students of our class loved that and ready to purchase the one-month subscription which cost Rs.40, but there was the other side of the story too, which means few students refused to take the subscription and made several excuses for their refusal.

Finally, we got the 170 orders for our magazine for the first week, and 55 of them were one month subscribers. It was a good start, but we did well and in later weeks we started losing our subscribers, more than 100 students refused to take magazine for the next week as the articles written in the magazine contained difficult vocabulary which made them bored. I wanted to keep the articles simple but I did nothing. After that nobody wanted to continue with the subscription for the second month, and the dream of mine of making that magazine as the best magazine of our college shattered.

If a choice was given to me, I could rectify that failure by writing articles on my own. And could save that initiated from being shattered but we always learn wonderful lessons from each and every failure so did I.

I learned not to rely on someone to do something for you because when you do so you start living your life according to others which can act as a threat to your dreams and can destroy all of your dreams.


