The failure of the trait theory
Certified Contracting Solutions, LLC
THE LEADING GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING CONSULTANCY. Complete Government Contracting Services from Certified Professionals.
We Need a Leader. Who is the Tallest?
In the research of leadership leading up to Sustained Leadership WBS I held numerous brainstorming sessions asking the simple question, “What is Leadership?”
The views and opinions were extensive. The really scary part was the realization that everyone had their own definition, things they look for in those they follow, and traits they either wanted to see or avoid. There was literally no consensus whatsoever. A legitimate follow-up question is, “If we cannot agree on what it IS, how can we even begin to discuss it?"
Numerous theories have been suggested, and many of them are not “wrong.” They are, however, grossly inadequate and incomplete.
For example, the “Trait Theory” suggests that leaders can only arise from those with the right “traits.” This leans heavily on the misconception that leaders are born, not made, but you have seen so many leadership appointments made because the person was the right gender, color, graduated from the right school, came from the right money, and of course was beautiful, handsome, and physically desirable. The trait theory is what we call “totally non-predictive” in terms of leadership potential.
In the brainstorming surveys, one trait that persisted was that a leader must be “tall”. Seriously? How does your perspective of the tops of other’s heads improve your leadership? Did you know that statistically, in elections, the taller candidate wins? Shouldn’t elections be based on those with the best policies rather than height??
We see the same issue with leadership development and selection today. Decisions are based on the wrong criteria and are ultimately bad choices. Too often this becomes apparent only AFTER the damage is done.?
The trait theory of leadership is flawed and leads to bad decisions. Fortunately, there is a better option.?
- Tom Reid
P.S. Sustained Leadership WBS is that better way. We are preparing to launch an outstanding offer to help you make 2024 the best year of your career - maybe even your life! As we head into 2024, let's start with a discussion on setting goals. Today I’m offering you another free class.
Click here: to go directly to the “Goal Setting Webinar” class. At the payment portal, enter this coupon code IChooseToLead and you will be able to access the class at no charge.?
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