Failure Serves As A Powerful Motivator
Failure dampens most people's drive and makes them want to give up. Failure, on the other hand, may be a fantastic source of encouragement for those with the appropriate perspective.
Michael Jordan is an excellent example of this type of person. Michael Jordan, at the age of 15, was desperate to join his high school basketball team. Unfortunately, his high school coach did not believe he was worthy of being on the team, despite the fact that he was 5'10' and couldn't even dunk.
Michael was devastated when he found out he didn't make the cut. That evening, he went home and grieved in his chamber. Rather of letting this derail his ambition, Michael was adamant about proving to the coach that he deserved to be on that squad.
He pushed himself to practice as hard as he could, spurred by the disappointment of not making the team. He eventually gained a berth on the high school squad and went on to become the all-time greatest basketball player.
This is an example of intrinsic motivation sparked by the inability to achieve a goal you care deeply about.
You, too, can use your failure to motivate you, just like Michael Jordan. Rather than allowing it to overwhelm you, use the disappointment of not attaining your objective to motivate you to work harder until you achieve your goals.
What are you waiting for? There is NEVER a right time to start anything. Keep pushing yourself to become the best version of yourself. Don’t allow fear to stop you!