Failure of Responsibility
Today is Inauguration Day for the 45th President of the United States. While many people are concerned about his ability to govern and his viewpoints on various issues, he won the election fair and square. If you don’t like the Electoral College as the final arbiter of who wins an election rather than raw popular vote, you should focus some energy on changing the system but the result of this election is in. A hallmark of this great country is that for better or worse we accept the results of elections and move forward with renewed determination to build a more perfect Union.
This is why it is really a great failure of responsibility when numerous elected representatives of the people decide they are not going to be a part of the Inauguration of the new President because they don’t like him or his views on various issues. Now more than ever they should be on hand to let their constituents know they are not going to give up on the things they believe in but are ready to encourage the new President and everyone in government to move in ways that best serve the people. Their refusal to participate in the festivities of the day accomplish nothing but the distancing of themselves from those they are going to need to work with and influence.
Their often self righteous stance is little more than a negative attitude. They are playing the part of the defeated apparently giving up hope that they will be able to have an influence on the days to come in the next four years. By refusing to be a part of this momentous day these “boycotters” are simply failing to uphold their duty to respect and uphold the laws of this land and they accomplish nothing of any substance. If they were truly responsible civil servants they would be proudly showing their faces and letting the world know that this country is about bringing together lots of viewpoints and ideas and never giving up on building that more perfect Union. We must stop fighting against things we don’t like and instead boldly fight for the things we do want.