“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall” By Confucius
Nothing succeeds like failure. Also nothing ventures , nothing gains goes saying. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. We all fear failure. But what is required to be remembered is that failure is an event and not a defeat. Never believe, sky is the limit when there are footprints on the Moon. If you want to achieve greatness stop paying heed to the critics .For that reason; there has never been a statue erected any where in the world to honour a critic .Risk something or for ever sit with your big utopian ideas. we must dream big as per the advice of APJ ABDUL KALAM; people president. Dream big since future belongs to those who dare to dream big. If there is will , there is way .If opportunity does not knock, build a door . Change your thought, you can change your world said N V Peale. You have to be rational in your approach not logical since logic does not motivate you.
Your self worth must come from within. You are living a life you have created. You ,therefore , cannot blame gravity for your fall !!Never worry, worrying is like paying a debt you do not owe, said Mark Twain. Start with an end in mind. Well began is half done. Rejection is an opportunity for your selection opined Bernard Branson. We all learn from our mistakes and failed experiences. No great leader ever fell from heaven .So never give up. Hope is waking dreams said Aristotle. Keep your fight on . you will never know how close you are to the victory, if you give up. Success does not teach us anything but failures do.
A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits, said Richard Nixon. Wisdom says life always gives you a 2nd chance, it is called tomorrow but tomorrow never comes . it is always today. So focus on today if you wish /want to see a better tomorrow.. Doing nothing is the biggest risk. Beware of risk averse paralytic syndrome. Action is life and inaction is death says KORAN, So, never mistake motion for action .Keep good company since a person is known by the company he keeps, says Bible .Avoid doomsayer ,defeatist and fatalist. The universal law of attraction says that you inevitably attract into your life the people and acquaintances that are in harmony with your domain thoughts and values. So surround yourself with people you admire and look up to as role models.
The important thing is not what other people think of you but it is what you are .Any idiot can point out problems so bosses do, says Gerry Geek. Your thinking and action have to be focused and goal oriented. Always remember, big changes often have smaller beginning. Rome was not built in day .Believes in Sharing; be it experience or happiness. Sharing is growing. Never regret over the past missed opportunities or failures or wrongs .It is like carrying a burden in your mind .Follow Buddha’s message” One moment can change a day, one day can change a life and one life can change the world”
Do not fear. Rather never fear. Fear is darkroom where only negatives are developed .This was parting advice to us by our principal in our valedictory day function at the college almost a generation ago. The advice is worth in gold. A person who never made a mistake , never tried any thing opined A Eistien .Better be a diamond with flaw than a pebble. Said confucius .All the great achievers be they politicians, authors, thinkers, actors, sports stars and business leaders have had their shares of falls before they could rise to the height of incredible fame.
Those who are not courageous enough to take risk will accomplish nothing in life. The man who has no imagination has no wings says Mohammed Ali the great .Along with imagination, courage is a must. “Things do not happen, things are made to happen and those dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly”, opined J F KENNEDY.
The classic examples of failures and then risen like phoenix to the unprecedented height of fame, inter-alia are :
Abraham Lincoln:
- Failed in business at the age of 21;
- Lost legislative race at the age of 22;
- Failed again in business at the age of 24;
- Overcome the death of his fiancé at the age of 26;
- Had nervous breakdown at the age of 27;
- Lost a congressional race at the age of 34 ;
- Lost a senatorial race at the age of 49;
- Finally elected as president of USA at the age of 52.
His famous quote on democracy” ------of the people by the people and for the people “ and his bold decision to abolish slavery in US based on his firm believe that men are born free but found in chain every where was against all human dignity, though, it cost him his life
Thomas Edition:
He had reportedly failed 10,000 times while inventing light bulb
Wright Brothers:
They spent years working on failed aircraft prototype by incorporating their learning until they finally got it a plane that could get airborne and stay there .
Walt Disney;
He was fired from newspaper job on the ground that he lacked imagination and idea!!
Socuno Honda:
He was rejected by Toyota Motor Corporation when he had applied for an engineering job but later built his own Honda motor corporation
Nelson Mandela:
Despite spending 27 years in south African jail for fighting against Apartheid regime, he never gave up and ultimately succeeded and became President of THE COUNTRY. He was a visionary and unifier.
Oprah Wimfrey:
She was fired from her TV job on the ground of unsuitability!!!!Today she is the uncrowned princess among the TV Anchors in the world.
Remember, it is your life, not others. If you want to achieve greatness, then stop seeking permission. Our upbringings as people and professionals have given us unhealthy attitude towards failures. So discard negative thoughts and adopt positive association. If correct lesson is learned from our failure, success is guaranteed. Because failure and success are two side of the same coin and inseparable. Expecting to complete the great journey of life without a hiccup is unrealistic. Avoiding failure will prevent you from focusing on going resiliency needed to cope with the challenges; a very vital factor for bouncing back.
The regressive mentality borne out of society’s obsession with success and achievement syndrome is primarily responsible for treating failures as stigma .It has very serious adverse social ramifications. Unfortunately these human traits are universal and omnipresence across the nations, races nationalities and civilizations.
To err is human. It is a divine gift to human race. We create our reputation every day .Obsession with failures will not change the outcome. You can not change the past but you can prepare yourself for the future .The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement .Admitted, when failure is fresh, it is difficult to believe that recovery is possible , let alone, success.
Self-acceptance will help you find peace with yourself .Must trust your inner voice .Be loyal to self. Because our conscience is the chamber of justice says Koran. Embrace your weakness and shortcomings. And then turn them into strengths. You cannot control external factors around you. Drive inspiration and energy from the commendable feats of highly successful people. Failed forward; by learning from ones mistakes has been the real saga of human struggle down the ages.
Finally ,like destruction which precedes construction, similarly, hidden within your failures are the seeds of success. So the experience gained out of failures serves as a strong building blocks of the edifice of individual personality and character. It helps you to face adversity with renewed energy and hope. Therefore , nothing succeeds like failure, if you act with courage , commitment and passion. No doubt, perfection is beyond human reach but if you chase perfection, you can attain excellence.
1)Susan taradanic, graham young, HBR, Stev Jobsforbes
2) Quotes from Buddha, Bible, Koran, Gita,Nehru,Bernard Brason,Mark Twain,Aristotle, A Eistien,Confucius,Richard Nixon, J F Kwnnedy,Mohd Ali,NV Peale,