Failure - Be a Phoenix
Photograph of Heath Anderson, by Stacy Jenkins - HealthybyHeath, 2023

Failure - Be a Phoenix

Failing is a part of life, especially if you're entrepreneurial. You cannot succeed if you don't handle failure well. It's not how hard you fall, it's how hard you fight to get back up. Quitting is not an option even if you must become "vulnerable" and/or accept uncomfortable changes. It builds wisdom, character and improves your chances to succeed next time. Change is hard, but can be very necessary.

I was reminded of that today, actually, by a man I hadn't talked to in over a decade. A good man, great father and husband, Community leader and small business owner.

He sent me a message via messenger asking if this was really my account (I was hacked this past October 2022 and lost all my accounts). I answered with a simple "yes" and told him about my two surviving social media business accounts just in case I was being hacked again ....

Fortunately for me, We Started a Dialogue as old friends can do from time to time.

His vulnerability reminded me that it's okay for me to be vulnerable too.

He moved to another state and had to start over. His darkest days, like so many others, was during the Pandemic. He said that something I had written back then resonated with him and helped him through those days, weeks, months, etc.

So, I decided tonight, to stop running from a couple gifts that God gave me and to "Write" about my failures & to be "Vulnerable."

It's not okay for me to hide my struggles or my insecurities. I'm a realist and have been put in a position where I can express myself openly and without embarrassment.

Plus, everyone else on the internet is "Perfect" and I like to be different. I’ve chosen to be a leader even in failure because I’m vulnerable, I’m human and I accept that. Don’t think for one minute though, that this is easy to do for me.

But just like my friend helped me without truly understanding how much … This newsletter may help others without me ever knowing and it’s cathartic for me to write and to be “open” anyway.

Lets Be Real:

I needed my friends testimony about his trials and tribulations today. So, maybe somebody will need mine, yours, or a stranger's someday too? ...

Who knows, I just know that it was divine intervention today. Neither of us looking to share, but it just happened anyway.

Here it Goes:

I have failed in business! I had to close my juice bars.

I have failed in marriage! Been divorced since 2018.

I have failed with friendships. I fell out of touch with virtually every friend I ever had because I failed to stay in touch, which seems easier than ever now, right?

But who's kidding. Liking Facebook posts is not staying in touch.

I wasn't being proactive. I didn't reach out and ask about someone else's day or how they are.

I simply clicked on "like" over and over again ...

Same thing right?


After a decade of doing that I find myself almost completely alone, few to

confide in, or help and nobody to talk to.

But then ... someone I use to know, in another life, from a long time ago said "Hi."

Also "how many accounts do you have? Is this you?" etc. But that's not the important part ??

He, in my darkest hours and without knowing so, reminded me of my past and of who I really am.

I was reminded of everything I forgot in my depression.

I was reminded of all the goodness in me that I tried so hard to hold on to that I forgot was/is just me ....

I don't have to hold on to it, it's me, my soul and my humanity.

In an instant I remembered all the volunteering I did, committees I led, whole communities & people I helped. That's important for me to say because I would have literally rather "died" than ask for help, just one hour ago.

I still don’t know how to ask, or who, or where, etc. But that’s not the important part. The important thing is that I am willing to take the necessary steps to get back up and open to the acceptance of my failure.

I am open, honest and ready to be helped as well as share my story of failure.

My failure is glorious!

That's tough for a person like me to admit. The way I grew up and with the people I have known.

Great people, farmers and ranchers who would do things most people don't understand. They looked you in the eyes & they listened ...

For "God sakes" as they would have said, I'm talking about the people who would turn off the tractor that fed their family to ask you "Are you okay?"

"Tell me everything and let's go from there" "We got you, it's going to be okay" type of people!


That is until tonight, when someone I use to know, in another life, from a long time ago said "Hi" ... An old colleague & friend reached out to verify my new account was real.

I still feel like the person who is suppose to help others, so asking for help completely escapes me. I'd rather crawl under a rock than ask for help and be "Seen that way".

But finally the lightbulb went off ... "Seen what way" dummy? You've never looked down on other people that needed help.

Why do you look down on yourself for needing help or for failing?

How many people have you told while coaching, tutoring, mentoring, etc. that life is all about "failing" it's how you learn and grow wiser. Yet, the minute that you fail ... You're just going to quit?


You're not going to ask for help?

I would be such a fraud if that was so.

I should be wearing my weaknesses on my shoulders and celebrating them, much more than any past success. We all should, that’s what helps others, whether you know it or not.

It creates a circle of hope & maybe someday if your down on your luck, people will tell you their stories of failure and how something you wrote years ago, helped them too.

To be perfectly honest, I have only been able to achieve, when I have, not because I am flawed but because I have always recognized that & always pursued being a better person.

So today and for as long as I can remember to do so, I will hopefully and maybe, just maybe, ask some people how their day was?

Then I'll try again tomorrow!

By Heath Anderson (September 8, 2023)

#grace #growth #hope #fresh Heath Anderson Fresh The Juice Bar in Issaquah | Microsoft Cafe's | Issaquah Farmers Market #HealthybyHeath #travel #explore #fail #faith #HeathAnderson #healthylifestyle #growth #truth #love #story #healthybyheath #healthylifestyle


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