Failure Management
Gourab Banerjee
Top Voice 2.0 | Employee Relations | Start-Ups | Talent Acquisition/Management
One lesson that we all more or less fall short as no curriculum has ever made to taught the same.
An inevitable part of the journey obvious much enough as much the day & night;in an steady recurring manner does happen;the coveted phenomenon is "FAILURE"
Not all of us is habituated rather much comfortable to cope up with it at our individual spaces but eventually it becomes an irresistible truth of our life in not time.
As soon we start being part of the rat race considering ourselves a product to excel and get the best price quoted with end number of stereotypes roaming around so stringent it becomes to us to breathe in the air and so close we being to the fear of "Failure".
Now the obvious question arises is how to deal with it:
As its a natural phenomenon to have the contrast of dark wherever there's a light so the paradox of success brings the parallel failure as a contrast.
A few steps to stay ahead of Failure as the wisdom speaks:
The holy Gita: One should always do one's best, and strive vigorously for success in all efforts, but also literally become indifferent to the consequences of one's own actions. This is called the yoga of action, or karma yoga, as embodied in the immortal Gita sloka 2.47 from chapter 2.
Karma Yoga: Of the paths to spiritual liberation in Hinduism, karma yoga is the path of unselfish action. It teaches that a spiritual seeker should act according to dharma, without being attached to the fruits or personal consequences. Karma Yoga, states the Bhagavad Gita, purifies the mind.
Modern Management Principles: In our practical experiences we understand Success isn't a overnight thing it comes with efforts in a disciplined manner with perseverance and that too doesn't defend the fact that one needs to sustain it because the complimentary nightmare of failure always sticks to it.
In conclusion,the synchronization between your action and the respective results will remain up to you;what all you need to do is to stay conscious.As a grapevine never going to fruit potatoes & vice-versa.
Every soul has the potential to reach the supreme soul its about unleashing the potential.
Work Hard;Stay Humble....