The Failings of Data Part II (Artificial Intelligence)
Peter Banks
Visionary CEO with a proven ability to inspire teams, unlock market potential, and achieve measurable success
I tell any company I work with from the very start; we all need to take everything we/you are doing to its lowest common denominator and build up, not place on top of an ever-increasing number of unknown levels of moving foundations and just hope it does not fall. The crazy one is adding multiple layers of complex systems that you don’t even understand what they are, then failing to really understand the technical tools that you have bought and how to use them at their fundamentals, not what the sales pitch told you. Let’s look at the blockchain, it is not some new amazing super complicated ethereal system in the sky? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! it is an open ledger, that its; a posh spreadsheet at best.
The Real World
Some smart big data sales person convinces you to buy their product, you get sent or get access to tons of info/data that really makes no sense, another SAAS company with another smart sales person sells you a service to make the data manageable. What it spits out is so complicated, you have to hire someone to understand it and you do not really know that the big data you were sold in the first place is actually factual and not given to us to make the sellers comapny more profits. (this will be part III). This is a mess and it’s getting worse.
What is AI and will it help?
I think the better way of going about this is to explain what is the “I” out of AI but the biological part.
It is the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations?or the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria. Now let’s explain what we know about how the brain works when recalling a memory. There is a replaying of neural activity that was originally generated in the brain during a specific event. This echoes the brain’s perception of that specific event which is not completely identical to said event. In this way, the brain remembers the information and details of the event. Memory recall is not just pulling things from a data storage centre, rather there is a creativity portion in which the relevant information is gathered from the scattered, jigsaw puzzle-like information in the brain, and to ignore this will be our downfall.
How does an AI System Pretend do this?
There is a database and we ask the system a question/query and it goes off looks at said database and matches your query based on a percentage match of what is the nearest correct answer to what your query was. This is not intelligence and is also how the internet works; by chance. The human brain has a creative edge to it, that means we can work out what best fits based not only our memories, which is not an exact yes or no as explained above but cognitive experiences learnt over time, a purposefully built organic system by a human for human/humans, made only for the answering human quueries when posed to it. With AI, all we are doing is adding as much second-hand info as we can to the database and hope the answer it spits out is what we want/need. If we rely on the answers AI give us for consumer incite for example, this must by default have miss matches, we as people rely on our creative brains and memory recall, which is not factual/black and white, it is not the same. We are conflating this disconnect with masses of big data, the more complex this gets, the bigger the disconnect. Add the ever-increasing mess that I explain in my past small article in regards to the data we are getting it skew-wiff and wrong due to us collecting our info from the social media echo chambers and rigged surveys. We can see in plane sight why big brands are making such bad choices, this tower of flawed complexity is falling.
"For anyone interested in AI I do suggest reading up on Sam Harris Paperclip Maximiser Complex, both worrying and fun"
Will Faster Systems vie Quantum Computing help us out of this?
The major issue with quantum computing is, will anyone figure out quantum irregularity (QI)? Again, back to basics, the computer you have in your home works on a small gate opening and closing, a 0 or a 1. Quantum chips work on 0,1,11,00,10,01 meaning a much larger number of computational possibilities. Think of the old game Pacman, the computer chip in your house is a small Pacman that takes many small bites very fast, with a small mouth, but a Qubit (a quantum chip) has a much bigger mouth and can swallow more, but, at present it chews slower. On your home computer, odd computations arrive as an error, this error percentage has been worked out and a formula is written into the base code that means this known error percentage does not become an issue for the computations. With quantum computing, even though Quantum Supremacy, (the proof that quantum chips work better than standard chips) has sort of been proven to a point, as the test has been rigged, due to the people who wanted to prove this, are choosing tests that a quantum chip (qubit) would do better at anyway, it is still impressive. Conclusion to this point is, the mathematical equation to fix quantum irregularity has not been solved and some smarter people than me think it never will.
Deep breath: If we introduce a non-proven computational set of errors, to an already messed-up set of data, it will be fantastically worse. Do I think we will ever figure out QI? Yes, we will but I do not think for many, many years and if you subscribe to scientists like Ray Kurzweil, we will not be even around by the time we fix it.?
Let’s go full circle and ask the question, why are companies that want to get that edge spending so much on AI and big data when even now, all it really is, even if quantum computing worked, even if the data we had was all yours, not given data off one of “the” big 5 controlling all this data, which is really the data that they want us to see, not what you need, (again deep breath)? in the end, this will still need an empathic set of humans reading it and digesting it. The conclusion must always be for the foreseeable future, people need to make the final choices and act on them based on their knowledge. If we walk away from this basic part of business, then we are all going to crash and we can see this happening now in front of us. When my grandfather lost his job of 30 years to a robot, he smiled to me and said “Peter there will always be a plate maker, no matter how many robots and fancy new computers there are, there will always be a master plate maker.”
All we are doing is singing from the same hymn sheet, meaning whoever is making this sheet or controlling the tech for said sheet, is actually fully in control and all our work spaces may end up not like 1984 but more like the movie based on it EQUALS. But for the here and now, if we are all singing from this sheet, there will only be 1 or 2 winners, (look at the consumer world right now) but I am hoping there will be a break away set of specialist and creative independent companies’ people that in the end get the wins.
“Don’t let the accountant wag the tail of the corporate dog”
Should be
“Don’t let the IT department wag the tail of the corporate dog”
Who wrote this?
?My Name is Peter.
A great business is always built on great communication. Driven by a passion for digging out improvements and a love for making things grow. I’ve spent my career creating and delivering growth, spanning multiple global markets. Show me a CEO who has led through a spreadsheet and motivated his staff through Microsoft Word; data alone doesn’t drive people. Technology helps a business, but it isn’t?the?business. My specialism is picking apart the puzzle pieces and stripping back the layers and overcoming the hurldes. You don’t need to change everything; you just need to see the wood for the trees and focus on what you’re good at, to tackle the constraint points and get things moving. My international experience is what sets me apart. I’m keen to find companies eager to fill their ambitions. I have both the appetite and the understanding to help a business kickstart change and cross-cultural boundaries. I love sharing the joy of creating business success.
Contact me:?Expert in scaling businesses both domestically and internationally, real experience breaking into difficult but lucrative markets. Even though I'm from the UK, I can open the door "correctly" to China, South East Asia, USA and many more. Cross functional? I’m very at home in Retail, hospitality, E-Commerce, marketing: online & offline, Sales, presentations, negotiating, Blockchain, and project management. Change management into omnichannel? Here I am. Need to bring in investment? Let me raise those funds for you. From SMEs to large scale infrastructure projects, I can help. Gaining new customers? a past client I took from 10k customers to 1.2m in 6 months.
Some of the brands I have worked with, BEATS(USA), Kingston Media(Taiwan/China), Packard Bell(South East Asia) Sainsbury’s (UK), GAME(UK), Clarks(UK) Best Buy(USA), Harvey Norms(AUS), SB Furniture(TH) British Airways(UK) Thai Airways(TH) Lucas THX(Global) and many many SME’s
UK born but the globe is my home.
I do not take scalps with what I ask for and more than happy to look at equity or semi equity plays for the right projects. Reason? I know what I bring to the table works. I have a multitude of past references ranging from overseas government agencies and CEO’s, to hand written testimonials from companies now leading in their field.
Fear of losing is greater than the want to gain, so don’t lose this chance, get in contact.?
Cell +447958200865
Skills and Specialisms
Consultant Management | Strategic Planning | Sales and Marketing Director | Managing Director | Retail | Hospitality Management | Public Speaking | Growth Marketing | Project Management | Operations Director | Property | International Policy Research | Leadership Development | Corporate Training | FMCG | E-Commerce | Fintech | Blockchain | CEO
Broker. Equity Derivatives, Equity Finance, Delta 1
3 年Great piece Peter. Lots of food for thought?