Failing to Train in Business Atmosphere
The unofficial motto of every first responder out there in today's world. Why shouldn't we be thinking this way in the business world today? Who do criminals like to go for? Mostly the business man or woman right? When it comes to Workplace Violence what is your employer doing to ensure your safety day to day?
Some of the answers of course depends on how you define "training." What I have found most of the time is a check in the box online training that takes 15 minutes of your time that you barely pay attention to. In a world where 55% of Active Shooter/Workplace Violence is happening in the business setting there should be face to face training that includes three things. Risk, Threat and, Crisis Management are the best ways to go about securing your work place.
Organizations affected by an active shooter or workplace violence event will face extraordinary challenges from the moment the first shot is fired. Even if the company is able to maintain business operations in the aftermath, the physical and emotional recovery can go on for months and years after the event. Besides reevaluating physical security measures, updating business continuity plans, and dealing with possible lawsuits, companies also have a responsibility toward their employees who have suffered severe emotional trauma. Not to mention the reputation you now have as a place that may be scary to go to. How will all this affect you monetarily? Emotionally? Can your business even withstand something of this magnitude?
RTC Solutions can come in and give you peace of mind by giving you the training that will allow you to feel confident that your company is ready for anything thrown at them. We assist you in becoming more aware of what to look for both with-in the company and, those that are from the outside. Risk assessments are performed and Emergency Action Plans put in place. We manage threats by training the employees to know what to do should something take place on any given day.
Employees should actively train in both lecture and, scenarios for crisis events to help better respond and minimize damage. In addition if interested, we can assist in creating a Crisis Team for your business, it is also important to have an Emergency Response Protocol in place. READ-REACT-RECOVER is the protocol used during an emergency response that covers the actions you will take to Read the situation, React appropriately to the threat, and then Recover from that threat. Employees will have to make sudden decisions accordingly, and it is crucial they understand which actions to take.
In most situations, individuals will freeze when faced with this type of situation. It is important for businesses to train employees and prepare them for the event of a crisis to help minimize harm and damage. As the threat of active shooters increase, it is important to prepare your company in the proper ways to handle these events effectively.
Unfortunately I would love to say that this is a one time and done type training. However, to be proficient in knowing what to do and, not lose the information you're not using, this is the type of training that needs to be redone at minimum every 6 months.
For more information please contact Dawn Breslin at [email protected] and we can set up a time to discuss all the ways that RTC Solutions can assist you in keeping your company safer.