Failing to plan is planning to fail
Hi there,
If you haven’t heard already, Queen Elizabeth II passed away earlier this week.
It’s one of those things that you know is going to happen soon, but it still takes you by surprise.
Something that’s been in place for as long as I can remember is the plan for when the queen passes.
The plan is meticulous, down to the last detail. Even different plans for different scenarios!
In a time where everything must feel crazy and surreal, they had a plan to ground them and to reassure the rest of the country that they had everything under control.
?I mean, can you imagine a world where the Royal Family didn’t have a plan, and were just winging it?!
Something tells me that our faith in our world leaders would quickly shrivel up and we would be watching a real life train wreck.
That’s the whole point of a plan, to avoid the panic. Rather than this big overwhelming situation, we can look at what the next steps are and focus on one step at a time.
That goes for all types of plans, not just for the ones at the end of the road.
One foot in front of the other, folks.?
It’s a lot more productive that way, I promise you!
Too many of us think we can wing it, or it can be figured out “eventually” (aka when it’s too late!).
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
So let me ask you this.
Do you have a plan?
A plan for the short term goals? The long term goals? Your plan for when you are no longer with us??
If you don’t, I’d love to encourage you to make a start of your plan and set 2 hours aside to focus on that alone.
Just 2 hours.
It’s not about having no time, it’s about making time and making it a priority.
A great example is estate planning.
No one wants to think about it but start researching about the process and what you can even plan for.
There are countless amounts of people I've spoken to who don't know what a power of attorney is and what they do.
Just start that research process and have a think about where you want your things to go.
By doing this, you’ve just minimised the stress, confusion and probably many arguments for your family members in the future!
Planning for your retirement?
Amazing! Start small and look into your super fund and see if your current superfund is the right one for you.
Maybe your plan is just for an unexpected cost that might come up in the future?
Time to figure out how much money you can afford to put aside currently and the goal number you are aiming for.
The hardest part is starting, but I promise you that doing it now could save you so much time, money and stress in the future.
If the queen plans ahead, then maybe you should too.?
You deserve the royal treatment after all!?
Until next time.
P.S: Whenever you're ready, there are three ways I can help you…
1.?Did you know that every year, Australians are paying their bank thousands of dollars more than they need to on their mortgage? Many folks don’t realise they’re sitting on home loans year after year that are not the best fit for their situation.?
If you want to know if this might be you, book a free 15-min call with our mortgage broker Eddie and he can make sure you’ve got the best loan for your situation
2.?Also, if you haven’t seen the latest video trainings our team has done on:
You can find all 6 videos here:?
3.?And if you ever want to get some 1:1 help with your personal finances, we can jump on the phone or on Teams for a quick clarity call and find out where you are right now, where you want to be with your money and lifestyle, and if we can help or not.?
We can then make a roadmap for the next best step for you to take to get closer to your financial independence.
General advice disclaimer: The information contained within this post is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances. Please reach out if you wish to discuss your personal situation.