Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail
J.A. Chiang
Head, FIR-ST? Corporate Ventures. Former EY Accounting Advisory Managing Partner. Storyteller, venture builder, creative problem solver, experienced "10th man", certified sake sommelier and digital growth advocate.
Our daily lives, whether personal or work, are facing a high degree of uncertainty. Who could have predicted a year ago, that we are where we are today?! Those faring well today are a testament to their forward planning, resilience, and a fair bit of good luck too. Perhaps they had set aside a little extra cash for a rainy day, perhaps they had hired the extra teammate or bought that nifty time-saving software, or invested in good encryption software to allow for remote access.
In the month of August, what else can we plan for today? What multitude of potential scenarios could happen and what is within our control that we can plan for today? Perhaps we need to finally buy that insurance policy that we have been putting off for ages? Should we get the car serviced whilst there is no lockdown.? Should we bite the bullet and digitize our entire financial record keeping system? Investing in that robotics programme to automate the bank reconciliation or price reconciliation could save a lot of headaches if our team mates were to fall ill.
Take a few hours out of your day from reacting to the every day and spend them strategizing what is needed to be done today to combat future potential issues.
Failing to plan is planning to fail.