Failed resolutions? Time for revolution

Failed resolutions? Time for revolution

It's about that time of year! Most of us have failed in our resolutions from Jan. 1.

In my recent The Swipe Right Effect podcast conversation with Lou Redmond , we delved into the simplicity of establishing routines. While our initial focus was on incorporating meditation into daily habits, our discussion expanded to the broader realm of habit formation.

Habits have significant power in fostering positive transformations. Do you find it challenging to adopt new habits or break free from old ones? (Exciting news awaits you at the end of this email!)

By taking small steps, one at a time, you can greatly enhance your chances of success. Specifically, habit stacking involves intertwining a series of small actions into your daily or weekly routine.

According to the 21/90 rule, it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to solidify it as a permanent part of your lifestyle. But why does it sometimes feel like such a struggle? That's where the secret ingredient comes in. Here's what Lou said about simple habits and having an accountability partner:

Self Care Scorecard he mentions is below!

I firmly believe that habit success becomes more attainable with a crucial ingredient - accountability. When you set a date, jot it down, and then SHARE it with someone, you're 95% more likely to achieve the positive outcome you seek.

According to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, habits typically take around 66 days to form. Interestingly, the researchers found that missing the behavior once didn't significantly hinder habit formation if participants resumed quickly afterward.

This is where accountability becomes crucial. If you falter for a day and are answerable to someone, you're more likely to get back on track. Conversely, if your lapses go unnoticed, you may find it easier to succumb to self-criticism and let the habit slip away.

Through my own coaching program, I have an accountability partner and we talk for 5 minutes every morning at 8:15 a.m. and we share our top five tasks for the day. As I'm working to launch a new program and an April retreat, it is crucial that I stay focused!

When you set a date, write it down and then TELL someone, you are 95% more likely to have the positive outcome you desire..

Here are some cool stats from the American Society of Training & Development study:

?? Here is the new program ??

Click to check out the new Momentum Revolution program.


Today, I'm thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking program called Momentum Revolution , designed to empower women to cultivate revolutionary new routines that complement their existing lives. Through this eight-week program, we'll collaborate to craft routines that infuse joy into your days, focusing on the pillars of Heart, Mind, Body, Soul, and Relationships.

Habits are a powerful way to create positive change in your life. The challenge is adding new habits and breaking bad habits. We'll be using a system of habit stacking in this program and Lou had some thoughts on this in our podcast.

Lou suggests habit stacking first thing in the morning.

"Many of the habit researchers and writers talk about this, but we have the most energy and will first thing in the morning. So to try to bring in a new habit like a meditation, it's so much easier to wake up and go meditate than to have a whole day and then find 20 minutes at like seven o'clock in the evening."

Great advice Lou!

This program is designed to provide 1:1 coaching and small group accountability. If you want to see a few more details, then check out my web page for the program.

We are beginning our first cohort of 5 women right away, and only 3 spots are still available. Because this is our inaugural cohort, special pricing is available!

Do I Really Need A Coach?

When two coaches get together, the conversation usually leads to our profession. Lou and I talked about the need for coaches in our own lives and how it has become more acceptable and almost commonplace. Life coaching used to get quite the eyeroll, but these days I believe people are struggling more than ever because of the isolation of the pandemic.

In fact, Lou had a thought,?? "If your coach or therapist doesn't have a coach or therapist, you should you should run because that means they're not having a place to check themselves. They don't have a place to like to do their own work. We're all human right. We all have our own work to do."

BONUS for making it to the end!

How is Your Self Care Game?

Wondering if you are have enough or quality self care? Take a quick look at this FREE Self Care Scorecard: Checklist for Women Over 40

Click to get the download!


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