Fail Spectacularly
Kathryn Mussell
?Mentor in service of conscious creators and visionary entrepreneurs.
Fail Spectacularly.
Each mistake is a lesson leading you closer to the Truth.
Mistakes are the benchmark of my success and are the greatest contribution to being an ace at what I do as a mentor and coach.
Instead of berating myself for past (and continued) mistakes, I choose to see them as the greatest contributors to my Zone of Genius.
They are EXACTLY what make me a great innovator, thought leader and teacher.
Looking through my journals from two years ago today, I was tearfully reading my thoughts on being a disappointment to myself and feeling a personal low that I affectionately call my "Spiritual Rock-Bottom."
Twenty-plus years of being an energy healer, thought leader and mentor felt absolutely pointless to me at that time and I was convinced I should just ditch it all and start working at McDonald's full time.
Nothing in my life felt satisfying or fulfilling and my business felt aimless, empty and like a very expensive hobby.
It was the Mother of all Pity-Parties and I was stuck, stuck, STUCK.
It took a lot of deep, soul-searching, gut-wrenching evaluation of what got me to where I was on the dark side of the Looking Glass of my life.
And then I realized something HUGE....
~ It was my MISTAKES that were actually my 'gifts-in-the-garbage' and greatest resources in helping me to expand my consciousness AND to facilitate consciousness breakthroughs and paradigm shifts for my clients.
~ As someone who is infinitely curious about how to do things differently, unconventionally, as someone who has always been willing to veer off the set path and tenaciously explore and test things out for myself, it finally dawned on me that mistakes and missteps are my stock and trade, not the thorns in my side.
~ Through my mistakes, I have a treasure trove of insights to share that serve to guide other's journeys through life.
~ Through my missteps I have priceless experiential wisdom to impart that assists others in sourcing simple and elegant solutions for what can often feel like colossal problems.
~ Through repeated trial-and-error and a need to test things out, I get to establish ever-increasing levels of resilience and fortitude and I've always bounced back with an almost perverse sense of enthusiasm about sharing how to avoid pitfalls and setbacks with my clients so they can benefit from my hard-won wisdom.
This isn't just MY story.
It is also a discourse in how to triumph over your own mind and perceptions of limitation.
Each setback, mistake or misstep is an opportunity to transition into an even more resilient success and abundance mindset-- ultimately being the touchstone for another journey of learning and growth that will be sure to follow.
It is in HOW you either embrace or reject your human/soul purpose of growth that sets the tone for what treasure-trove of wisdom and insight will be available to you.