Fail Faster?

Fail Faster?

I have heard it said,--or more likely have read it in a book--"If you want to become an expert at something, fail faster. How we define failure differs from person to person. Did Thomas Edison fail in his attempts to make the light bulb, or did he find a thousand ways it wouldn't work...until it did.

1.) Faith Every Day

Think about one thing this morning that you want to get really good at. It can be tied directly to your work, or something completely different. Thomas Edison had a lot of faith as he worked day after day to make the light bulb. And boy, aren't we grateful he did.

2.) Joy Every Hour

The "10,000 hour rule." Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, presents the idea that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything.

Do you want to master the art of playing jazz on the saxophone? 10,000 hours. A Master Electrician? 10,000 hours.

We can become experts at something we put our minds to, but we must be diligent in practice. In our work, we average 2,000 hours per year. So, the number becomes 5 years of learning any skill as a expert. Find joy in the process; I know you will.

3.) Love Every Minute

It is incredibly hard to do anything for very long if we don't love what we are doing. It would be hard for 60, 90, 180 or for sure 240 minutes if it didn't hold our interest. Think about the class you didn't enjoy in high school. We all have one. But, if you enjoyed Politics or Civics or Social Studies, you may likely continue to learn about the how and why it applies to town, cities, states and even facilitates and shapes the direction of our nation.

4.) Hope in Each Minute

It's likely you won't try something you even have a tiny interest in if you don't have faith, joy or love in a certain outcome. Many of you have heard the quote above, and below, A Chinese proverb which states:

If you like, add a skill or ability that inspires you to master whatever that is in the comments.

Or, even better, Who has made a valuable impact on your life because you saw them as an expert in their craft? What was it?

As always,

Choose Hope -




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