Fail fast - adjust quickly!

Fail fast - adjust quickly!

Many years, before GPS was a thing in cars I was heading to a party near Torino with a friend of mine. She was driving, I was checking the map and the road signs. After a junction, I noted that I'm not sure anymore if we are going on the right road. At this point, she started to ACCELERATE. "What's the sudden hurry?" - I asked. "Well, if we might go in the wrong direction, let's figure it out quickly."

This story came to my mind recently when we talked about how to lead a company if times of drastic and frequent changes. We all know that changing times might require changing our strategies. But how to ensure that the strategy works and if not we can change them.?

This is where consistent and focused EXECUTION comes to play. We need to figure out quickly if our strategy does NOT work, otherwise, we are wasting precious resources on something that does not help.

With the OGSM methodology, we do not only formulate our strategy in an easy to understand way. We do not only cascade it down across the organization. We also have regular, focused strategy execution sessions where we evaluate progress and make a necessary resource or strategy interventions. And this is how we Fail fast, and more importantly, ADJUST QUICKLY!


