Fail, Failure, Failed...NOT!
Heine Ntulini
Information Services Entrepreneur I Digital Transformation Advisor I Sometimes Scribbler Of A Few Notes
Good Morning, Everyone
Hope you are well.
Guess there`s no more denying it, we are fast approaching the end of 2023. Some will look forward to the December break with much relief, others maybe not because they didn’t accomplish as much as they had intended way back in January. Either way, it doesn’t matter anymore. Those grains of sand have dropped and there`s no forcing them back through the hourglass.
Be it as it may, I`m sure many will use the last few weeks of the year to reflect on the activities they were engaged in these past couple of months, checking if there was a reasonable return on their time and efforts invested. For some possibly more in terms of their Hits and Misses, Wins and Losses for the year, then using their conclusions from this annual review session to craft their plans for 2024.
Obviously, some contemplation on failures and setbacks will feature as well, and I thought this a good time to mention a project I`m in the process of finalizing. Essentially, a little book on Failure, a topic many approach but very reluctantly – if not avoid altogether, due to its overly negative connotations. What I attempt to explain in Fail, Failure, Failed…NOT, is that this doesn`t have to be.
For all the fact that Failure isn’t a universally popular topic, my suggestion is that our periodic stumbles are not really of a world-coming-to-an-end nature. What I recommend in the book, seeing that Failures and Disappointments are an inevitable part of our days, that we`ll be doing ourselves a big favor if we adopt a different perspective where these are concerned. That, as tired as it might sound at times, we regard our stumbles as opportunities for self-empowerment.
Failure is never quite desirable, nor actively courted except perhaps in the sports practice, scientific and artistic experimentation, and product development environments…amongst others. The rest of us, we want to engage in activities and want such to have positive and successful outcomes. It doesn’t always work out that way, however, our efforts do bomb out from time to time even with the best of intentions.
When this happens, can we either cover our faces with ash and tear our hair out in despair, or take a step back and rather look for the opportunity in the untimely calamity. ?Around 60AD, Marcus Aurelius agreed that the Impediment To Action Is What Advances Action. Kelly Clarkson, nearly 2?000 years later, channeled Friedrich Nietzsche when she said:
?“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,
Stand a little taller,
What doesn’t kill you makes you a fighter,
Footsteps even lighter…”
I can assure you, there IS Opportunity In Every Setback, Power In Every Failure, and that`s what I talk about in Fail, Failure, Failed…NOT! – Not As Bad As It Is Made Out To Be. The intention with this note is to inform you of the existence of this book and to kindly invite you to contact me if you are interested in getting a copy. You can send me a message with LinkedIn Messenger, or reach me directly at 082?679 6487.
Wishing you a pleasant week then, will be on standby.