Faff Free Friday #5 - the Epiphany(ish) Issue
I’d every intention of talking meaningfully about epiphanies given it was the Feast of the Epiphany in the Christian calendar yesterday.
Ostensibly the date three kings (or as no numbers are actually mentioned in the Bible, perhaps numerous wise men/women) came to give gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to newborn baby Jesus and the epiphany relates to their sense of wonder.
It was going to be something about gifts and personal epiphanies.
Then the few weeks of me feeling a bit crap kicked in. The headache I started with on Boxing Day got worse and worse. I’ve had to resort to a phone appointment with my GP and consequently some hard core pain relief.?
I even hesitated about writing this.
But I’m done with sucking it up.
And I’ve decided to share it because I am so bloody not perfect it’s unreal!?
I had a pretty up and down 2021 like most people.?And I sucked it up. The highs and the lows.?
I’m not doing it any more. I’m not a machine.?
Now thinking about it, that’s epiphany-ish isnt it? My realisation…to stop sucking up the knocks, the traumas and the frustrations.?
To make life a lot easier.
To go back to first principles….which is Aristotelian thinking most recently and famously used by Elon Musk to drive innovation and a cost base which was 10 times less than traditional aerospace companies with his SpaceX project.?
In essence, it’s to drive out complexity and go back to minimum viable opportunity.
So this is what’s changed.?
Instead of a massive launch which would’ve drained me even more, I had a gentle opening of the doors to my lovely new Faff2Focus//90 group which starts next Monday.?
It’s a really simple concept to support Each Other (ie not me being some sort of paragon of virtue) in getting a bit more focused and a bit less faffy.
I need this. And I know there’s many more just like me out there.?
That’s not happening from now.?
Instead it’s first principles.?
Less faff and more focus.?
Does that sound good to you too??
If you’re wanting a back to basics, a first principles, approach to life - not just business life - then please take a look at the Faff2Focus//90 group which starts on Monday.?
Simple goal setting, planning and a lead measures approach. A rhythm of gentle cohort based accountability, building replicable habits to help you get through the next three months and beyond. Not a scheme, a roadmap or a system. They don’t work.?
90 days of simple support from peers in a Zoom room, including me…which is a bit obvious to me but so often the ‘name’ behind a group is never the one who’s available!
And I don’t need to charge hundreds.?Like Elon Musk I have kept it simple by keeping my costs base low. So it’s ten times less expensive than a similar ‘Master Mind’ (or two) which have been attempted to be sold to me recently at hundreds and hundreds of £££…
It’s not even £100 actually, a faff free one off payment of £99 to get your skin in the game, to literally invest IN the process. £99 for 90 days of support from me, a tracker journal and a lovely group of people just like you.?
Supporting you with my Four Pillars For Success? - Spirituality, Wellness, Innovation and Vocation...
It will be like a giant knitted throw of warmth - now I've gone all Hygge!
Info and stuff...plus last chance to join is Sunday...
This link gets you to more info and to sign up. This group starts 10 January with an initial introduction session at 7pm GMT, so it closes for new folk on Sunday evening UK time. Or reach out to me for waiting list for a future group or for one to one business life coaching.?
A Bit of Drag Race Advice
If you’re having an epiphany-ish start to this year, that’s good. Now, my RuPaul style advice is...
Keep it to minimum viability, to first principles and let’s get it done (your way!).?
Happy weekend.?
Contemporary Yorkshire Artist