Fading Electromagnetic Field Discussion

Fading Electromagnetic Field Discussion

It is clear that Earth’s hot iron core isn’t what creates the magnetic field around our planet. Instead, Earth’s magnetic field is caused by a dynamo effect. The magnetic field is extremely important to sustaining life on Earth. Without it, we would be exposed to high amounts of radiation from the Sun and our atmosphere would be free to leak into space. So how much should we be alarmed about the diminishing electromagnetic field of planet earth? And what should we be do about it?

Burn- How does the magnetic field keep the atmosphere from "leaking into space"? In what way will we be able to survive without an atmosphere?

Rhod- Electrostatic attraction holds the atmospheres to the surface maybe.

Burn- Maybe

Sol- https://eos.org/.../how-marss-magnetic-field-let-its...

EOS.ORG How Mars’s Magnetic Field Let Its Atmosphere Slip Away -

Chris- I think the Earth's magnetic field is not something constant. I also doubt dynamo as a source of m.f.

Scott- We should be very concerned. Prepare a strategy for EMPs and TEOTWAWKI. We may be living like the Amish are right now.

Ghann- Here is another hypothesis of the inner solid core 


Magnetic Pole Shift & Mini Ice Age, Causes and Mechanism (Short Version)



Fton- Comes naturally by READING

Tell- This, is, all, my, reading, writing, and listening.




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Mystery anomaly weakens Earth's magnetic field, report scientists

Rhod- The dynamo effect is a spinning magnetic mass of matter, like a spherical permanent magnetized neodymium, iron, nickel inner core, surrounded by an electric current conducting mass of matter, like copper, gold, silver, aluminum outer core . Right? I think it’s formed in the centrifugal electric arc furnace, created around the sun’s electromagnetic accretion disc, after the sun sparks into existence, creating its own solar dynamo system, and the elements separate into different spherical planets according to their atom weights as they roll around the sun. The moon orbits the earth, orbits the sun, orbits the galaxy. Everything is held in orbits around the galactic nucleus accretion disc shaped magnetic field, and the quantum locking superconducting Birkeland currents.

Sepp- We think in terms of iron because that's the permanent magnets we know. But every permanent magnet we create is created via a strong electromagnet. The iron is secondary, merely providing a path for the magnetic charge to flow locally. The electric is primary...

Step- And is there even an iron core? The 'No direct S-waves' not arriving on the opposite side of the Earth from the seismic event leaves a lot left open to interpretation of the data as to what the 'core' is.

Matt- The assumption it’s an iron core is based on this data but like you, I agree, it doesn’t have to be iron just because the density appears to fit the bill. Could it be extremely dense plasma? Something else? The answer is, yes, and we don’t know what the state of matter or physical make-up is, we just assume it’s iron, as that seems to be the most logical explanation, based on what we know, have recorded, and recognize.

Step- I'm placing my bet on the the concept that plasma configurations may be able to induce gravity - gravity without a corresponding quantity of mass.One only has to observe solar loops to contemplate that organized plasma can pull of some serious stuff. In this image, trillions of tons of matter sit suspended several Earth radii above the Sun, the loops paying no attention to a gravitational field 28 times that of Earth's. And consider that the loops are merely passing phenomena originating over Sunspots. It seriously suggests that there's real heavy duty plasma goings-on below the photosphere. I don't have a horse in the expanding earth theories, but they do give food for thought.

Sepp- It's hollow inside. No iron at the center but a plasma pinch that creates the magnetic field...

Ann- But the core of the earth is a part of the sun, innit

Sepp- Not really a part of the sun, but very similar to the sun. Electric plasma pinch, like the sun...

Sol- The strength of Earth’s main magnetic field is currently about 29.5 microteslas, down 5 microteslas, or 14 percent from its strength three centuries ago.

Rex- I wonder how the scientists knew about those rather precise values...

Sol- Earth’s rocks provide a record of geomagnetic reversals and variations through time in the geomagnetic field. " palaeomagnetism "

Rex- Okay, thanks for the info!

Alan- I am immediately suspicious of natural phenomena that show straight lines , like this chart. And while 3 different data sources would see to verify each other, there is the problem of a shared method fault, in either measurement or modeling Or come to that about basic magnetism itself , which is widely misunderstood even among experts. A stunning graph if true though.

Sepp- The magnetic field of the earth has always been diminishing and flipping its orientation, historically. So there is a mechanism for that. Perhaps the central plasma at times slows down its rotation, losing the magnetic properties, and then flips and restores to full potential. A cyclic happening evidence of which has been found in rocky strata around the earth...

Vand- Something that I've always wondered about is: the Earths core is supposed to be molten metal and the outer material rotates around it to create our magnetic field. But once a ferrous metal reaches the Curie point, the magnetic field disappears. What's going on here?

Alan- If the Iron in the core is liquid Fe above it Curie point , it cannot retain magnetism, correct. However the idea is that because " moving electrons" create a field it is the movements of the fluid that is generating a field , hence the dynamo idea. The movement of this liquid is not, it seems caused by the spinning in itself since it would centrifuge and stabilize as if one unified body. The internal churning can be a combination of things , like the day /night cycle (heat and cold differential ) and the seasonal tipping of the axis. But there is no evidence as yet to link either of those to it, IE field strengths/ direction changing on a 24 hr. cycle or even seasonal cycle. Insufficient data.

Korr- Why would there be Iron at the core?

Alan- Well its possible that all cosmic spheroids are formed around small magnetic seed rocks , which would attract other magnetic material into spherical balls that grow over time. magnetic accretion . All the spheres of our system have magnetic fields, Iron is the most common and likely reason for this as it is retentive.

Tod- I think we need another model. Our magnetosphere is linked with solar cycles. Ben Davidson went into the ‘innards’ of earth a bit , this morning.

Alan- Correct . and I have stated before that same fact . The Newtonian gravity model does not work when one object is inside another. It is only valid between two external object. Logically the gravity at the center of earth is zero , it is a mistaken idea that it would be otherwise , from the fact that we calculate gravity from this point ( the center of gravity COG and center of mass COM). We are off topic , Earths magnetic field .



Earth Skeleton, Rotation Glitches, Climate | S0 News Feb.13.2021

Korr- Maybe the Iron forms spherical rings around the core.

Alan- Ordinary thermodynamics tells us that the center of a sphere cannot be cooler than a hot layer , outside of it . IE A solid inside a hotter liquid . So many models are problematic .Not impossible , just improbable .

Rhod- Toroidal convection currents form in the outer molten liquid core and direct all the heat radiation upward away from the solid magnetic inner core, keeping it cool and magnetized, while keeping earth’s surface warm. It’s called the Peltier effect like used in portable refrigerators, with the center staying cool. The core is like an atomic nucleus with the electron currents spinning around it. As below, so as above. I think this alternative theory is a crazy idea for a crazy situation.

Sepp- The solution is that the core is not iron, and it's not the source of the magnetic field. In my view, the earth is hollow and at the central point inside it contains a plasma pinch, which is what creates the magnetic field. It is a central electric (magnetic) sun of sorts.

Jana- As the solar wind reduces with Grand Solar Minimum the Magfield reduces, and the Magfield falls to minimum during polar shift...both are occurring at present...we can expect more cloud, deluge, mutation, and insanity in humans.

Carr- And mutations

Josh- I think the center of the earth is the same as the center of the sun and the center of every galaxy, a toroidal plasmoid.

Rich- Bingo! This ancient theory of nickel iron is just an assumption. Rolf has a whole playlist on the plasma core principle.

Nigel- Got any links to Rolfs work?

Greg- Check out suspicious observers on YouTube... Ben got fantastic channel with everyday updates. On this topic and many related...


Suspicious 0bservers -

Kaw- A joint a day keeps the doctor away !

Carr- Nothing molten retains magnetic properties. The nonsense they teach in school is pseudoscience at best

Glyn- Everything has a dipole moment. 

Abra- Working from first principles, we see that the magnetic field goes into the earth's north pole and exits at the south. To create such a magnetic field electrons could be going with the motion of the earth or protons could be going the opposite direction as the rest of the material of the earth. Since we know that all the matter of the earth is going in the same direction, for the most part, that makes it fairly obvious that excess from electrons rotating with the earth are the most likely cause of the earth's magnetic field. If there were to be excess protons within the earth then the magnetic field would be in the opposite direction as we see today.

Brad- The time to dig into the planet was a lifetime ago. If you don't have an self sustaining underground habitat by now.. you're toast.

Chad- We already have advanced subterranean structures all around the world. But unless your on the VIP list. Your not invited.

Cary- We are basically slowly DE-materializing. Oh, and there is NO "hot iron core"

Tod- Tremendous underground tunneling is going on as we speak. Not in the news, but very apparent; a coast to coast network.

Irron- The flow of electricity from one star to another and from star to planet .. the charge must find balance .. the charge balance should order the position of the charged bodies .. when the circuit changes a re ordering and re balance must occur .. there must be balance .. a movement .. and a rest .. it will always be in motion

Mike- Field change. We must get the governments to act by installing serious taxes. Save the children!

Sol- We as humans have never used " Electricity" on this level before. How can we ever know the repercussions, on an electronic scale of raising so many steel skyscraper tethers into the magnetosphere? 



List of cities with the most skyscrapers

Todd- Humans can't do anything about it. The current that runs through the earth and produces the magnetic field is a galactic current that first runs through the sun and then connects to earth. Different charged currents attach to each planet and even comets. No human tech can alter this on a planetary scale. The have ways of manipulating it to a smaller degree, like the now declassified HARRP project. But changing the magnetic flux over the entire planet is just simply not humanly possible.

Sol- Mega Cities create Mega Electromagnetic grounds ! The question is what would happen if all those" grounds" were severed ?

Jason- Anyway those huge magnets at Cern contribute to this?

Alan- No one knows whether a shielded toroidal magnet of that scale has any effect or not. We simply don't know how sensitive the earths field is to influence. It was not likely to have been a design consideration. The field seems to come from semi solid crust , since it is mostly stable but creeps in direction and strength over time. In other words it does not move enough to have a liquid source but is not stable enough to be purely from the crust ( fixed directly to any surface location. ) There is no S-N direction to the field ,as shown in the diagram, conventionally the direction is N-S , but there is no direction of movement in reality. Neither pole emanates or collects field. If it did we could just stand up large coils and generate all the electricity we need.

Rick- Should we instigate an "Magnetic Field" Tax? If we all give hard earned money to our governments surely they will implement laws to maintain the field as it is, or even reverse it!

Step- This, just today:


Earth Skeleton, Rotation Glitches, Climate | S0 News Feb.13.2021

Reg- I very much doubt that there is anything we can do about it except plan to adjust for the consequences. In the past societies have felt the need to move habitations underground. Maybe that is what we shall have to do again in order to minimize our exposure to dangerous radiation.




Is Earth's Magnetic Shield Eroding?

Pete- You left this part out: What SWARM has actually found is that after 2.5 years of observation, the Earth’s magnetic field has weakened by about 3.5% at high latitudes over North America, while it has strengthened about 2% over Asia. In other words, it wiggles and wobbles. We already knew that. The articles announcing the 5% per decade decline all appear to have arisen six months after SWARM launched, and appear to have misinterpreted early findings.

Matt- So an overall 1.5% loss in that short time period isn’t concerning? What are you trying to claim, other than the earth wiggles and wobbles, like we already knew? You’re not really contributing much to the conversation.

Brad- Grab your ankles that's what! ain't nothing stopping this.

Dee- Nothing...

Scott- Geomagnetic solar storms with weakening mag excursion very damaging to electric grid and flips associated with extinctions - Flip






Earth’s Magnetic Flips May Have Triggered Mass Extinctions

Johnny- Rhythmic balanced interchange in action

John- It always decreases before the flip. It’ll be back when the equator goes through Florida

Sol- Earth's north magnetic pole is so out of whack that scientists need to update the global magnetic-field model they released only four years ago. Could that be a sign that the magnetic pole will flip soon?



Is Earth's Magnetic Field Flipping Soon?

John- Absolutely. It just went over the International Date Line, which puts it on the other side of the Earths axial spin. Weather in Canada generally was super this winter except the last two weeks. How’s the weather in Europe? I think that what then happens with the change in magnetism is the ice poles melt more on one side and it shifts the actual axis.

Sol- Consider all the Ground Connections that exist on earth.. A ground is a direct electrical connection to the earth~ Tesla once said that we could control the spin of earth ( Indirect Electromagnetic Field Manipulation) if we connected to many grounds. Electrical Grounding and Why it's Important - A Galco TV Tech


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?Vinc- Simple. The massive crystalline iron core, made solid under immense pressure, rotates in a liquid iron soup, turning the Earth and creating a magnetic field. If so, how do other planets without appreciable iron cores turn? I say they too have magnetically aligned iron or other aligned material like solid hydrogen but without the soup. The planet or moon will turn but no field is produced. But what is powering the turning? It can be nothing other than an all-pervasive and ubiquitous ether. Trillions of atomic particles aligned together might cause a drag on it, and thus giving traction - especially in view of matter possibly being a condensed form of ether. Roy Masters in his book, Einstein's Missing Relative expounds on this very persuasively.

Kurt- And yet those reversals, theoretically traversing zero magnetic field, have not resulted in the spontaneous disappearance of life nor of the atmosphere


Earth’s magnetic field is probably not reversing

Sol- We as humans have never experienced an magnetic field anything since becoming a major electrical civilization, except maybe the The Carrington Event, and as stated we really do not know what effect our field has undergone with all the added pollutants in the atmosphere, the globe circled with steel skyscrapers, and metal electrical grids all over the planet, all the manmade satellites in orbit, just to name a few, coinciding with the cascading, oscillating natural cycles that are cosmic by nature, of course we have zero control over unless maybe creating an Dyson Sphere.


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