"Peer Learning" is imperative in the current VUCA World...for better results
Archana Vijayan
Change Management / Business Transformation / Organization Development / Performance Managment / Certified Corporate Trainer / Top HR Voice, HR Community Voice LINKEDIN, Mobile / WhatsApp (+ 91 86522-99904)
A journey which started 3 decades ago... if I have to recall one of my learning it would be interacting with my juniors and peers on a regular basis... Few strategies that I adopted was face to face interactions (would travel across their workstation) and have informal discussions, walking meetings, sometime even informal get togethers with my direct peers indirect reporters and cross functional peers. This process was very useful to me during the global recession a decade ago.
This really helped me evolve across functions of HR, Sales, Marketing, Research, understanding profiles better, and the list continues even today...A story that I can share while I was working in 2008 one of my senior Principal Consultant heading (Hybrid business Model) asked me a question . I was discussing a mid management profile with him.. and he asked me.. If I give you salary every month but you have not to do any meaningful work.. would you join me?? I was stunned and was just looking at him..it has such deep meaning ..this story does hit me now and then even today...
Take Away: Career Planning is a MUST at early age.
As my confidence started building up, would repeat the same exercise with my seniors and my reporting business heads.. This process has come a long way.. and it is helping me in my business and HR consulting assignments today.
Learning Interventions:
Our Learners are from different Industries like Manufacturing, Engineering, Education, Process industry, functions of Sales, Finance, HR, Marketing, Facility Management, have different style of recall and learning methodologies..
Today, while conducting Learning Interventions, I encourage participants across age group fresher to leadership levels to connect with each other and understand the concept of the topic... to help my learners understand better thought of sharing some feedback below and in the comments section that we received through our Employee and Management Development Programs which we are conducting every week.
Feedback from few participants through our recently concluded program on Management and Leadership Development Program where not only the participants interacted virtually but I as learner great insight how they are evolving in the VUCA World
Feedback below and in comments: How Learners from our training sessions have shared their experience.. We wanted to capture and share with our readers as we all are LEARNERS.
Reason: We can learn more from LEARNERS.. which I appreciate the most...
Dear Mam and Sir, "It was a great opportunity to attend the Seminar. , From this Session, I understood the most valuable learnings to implement in Professional as well as personal life. Key learnings being, I will be starting a SWOT analysis in every work assigned to make it more enjoyable and effective. I will also start recording the conversation I do to self improvise my communication during this lockdown period. Also, I learnt that communication is important and to ask again what is conveyed. Thank you again for the wonderful session Madam.
Dear Mrs. Archana, Your workshop on Personal Effectiveness has been very enlightening. It had valuable takeaways and wisdom in plenty. After all these years I've come to terms with the importance of self-confidence, being proactive and empathy amidst an array of tools to add more effectiveness to our work and otherwise. Thank you for having us on your session and we hope you continue add more value to lives of young professionals!
Most welcome to hear from my LinkedIn Members.. their experience, feedback received from their learners...Stay Connected, #archanavijayan
Change Management / Business Transformation / Organization Development / Performance Managment / Certified Corporate Trainer / Top HR Voice, HR Community Voice LINKEDIN, Mobile / WhatsApp (+ 91 86522-99904)
3 年Update: CLIENTS IN THE BFSI Industry You would be happy to note that we have third year UG students / Fresh Graduates / Post Graduate students who desire to start their career in primarily in Relationship Management, Sales, Customer Service & Operations. We have TRAINED resources who are looking for CAREER?#management?#career?#customerservice?#customerservice?#freshgraduates?#sales?opportunities. Please connect on 86522-99904 to take the process to the next level. #archanavijayan #learnfromarchana
Change Management / Business Transformation / Organization Development / Performance Managment / Certified Corporate Trainer / Top HR Voice, HR Community Voice LINKEDIN, Mobile / WhatsApp (+ 91 86522-99904)
3 年For your reference we are sharing the Link of YOUTUBE channel which you can watch as per your convenience. We will eagerly await your valuable comments / feedback and suggestions. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=+indrashil+university%2c+women%2c+archana+vijayan&&view=detail&mid=3B3DC3338A15A449979D3B3DC3338A15A449979D&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3D%2Bindrashil%2Buniversity%252c%2Bwomen%252c%2Barchana%2Bvijayan%26FORM%3DHDRSC4 ?
Change Management / Business Transformation / Organization Development / Performance Managment / Certified Corporate Trainer / Top HR Voice, HR Community Voice LINKEDIN, Mobile / WhatsApp (+ 91 86522-99904)
4 年Season's Greetings Members A proud moment for all of us. I am rated the most influential CEO's in India on Linkedin. ?Link below for your reference. https://www.google.com/search?q=influential+ceo+at+linkedin,+archana+vijayan&rlz=1C1GGRV_enIN751IN751&sxsrf=ALeKk02-gvrmsi8LWz0gv6N-Tv5sDFpzVw:1605162799118&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjatcqzsfzsAhWIyDgGHf38AcIQ_AUoAnoECAsQBA&biw=1360&bih=657 Stay Connected, Archana Vijayan
Change Management / Business Transformation / Organization Development / Performance Managment / Certified Corporate Trainer / Top HR Voice, HR Community Voice LINKEDIN, Mobile / WhatsApp (+ 91 86522-99904)
4 年Greetings Students, Please note that we are conducting regular batches on Employability Skills which includes topics like Public Speaking Skills,, Communication Skills, Resume Building, How to FACE Winning Interviews, How to explore jobs through linkedin. and many such full time courses. We can learn from EACH OTHER - Best example of PEER LEARNING Stay Connected, Archana Vijayan - 86522-99904
Change Management / Business Transformation / Organization Development / Performance Managment / Certified Corporate Trainer / Top HR Voice, HR Community Voice LINKEDIN, Mobile / WhatsApp (+ 91 86522-99904)
4 年https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723878037642866688/