These FACTS still amaze me...
SHORT & SWEET: I've worked with AAA's National Office for 23 years, and this organization continues to amaze me...and here are just a few reasons why.
- More than 22,700 people join AAA/CAA every single day of the year...that's 365 days a year....and to the best of my calculations - 236 people joined while I wrote this.
- Our Members spend more than $100,000,000 per day on hotel stays. Yes, go ahead and read that again.
I do feel blessed to have worked here a long time, and carve-out a very unique sector in which I spend 100% of my professional time...the higher end casino resorts across America.
If you're a casino resort and "DO NOT" have a specific AAA Marketing simply have an incomplete marketing plan. You might not like reading that, but it's true. If you have a plan which "does not" include the largest constituent travel audience in history, (AAA/CAA) it seems you would have a difficult time explaining as to why that is to the financial stakeholders of your organization.
I'm "betting" you learned something today in which you did not know. At least, I hope so.