Facts on Small and Medium Agriculture landholding in India.
Farm Landholding in India

Facts on Small and Medium Agriculture landholding in India.

In India, the agricultural landscape is characterized by a diverse mix of small and large landholding farmers, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. Recent data from the agricultural census sheds light on the distribution of land holdings and the dynamics within the farming sector.

  • The average size of operational holdings in India varies across states, with Nagaland having the highest average size at 5 hectares and Kerala the lowest at 0.18 hectares.
  • Nearly 70% of Indian farms are very small, with landholdings of less than 2 hectares, highlighting the prevalence of small-scale farming in the country

Small Landholding Farmers:

  • Statistics: Small and marginal land holdings, constituting less than two hectares, make up a significant portion of Indian agriculture, accounting for 86.21% of total land holdings.
  • The average size of operational holdings in India varies across states, with Nagaland having the highest average size at 5 hectares and Kerala the lowest at 0.18 hectares.
  • Nearly 70% of Indian farms are very small, with landholdings of less than 2 hectares, highlighting the prevalence of small-scale farming in the country.
  • Trends: The number of small land holdings has increased, with a rise in the percentage of female landholders from 13.8% in 2015-16 to 15.6% in 2019-20.
  • Challenges: Small farmers face labor shortages, high transaction costs, and limited access to mechanization due to the small scale of their operations.

Large Landholding Farmers:

  • Advantages: Large landholding farmers benefit from economies of scale, better access to resources, and enhanced market opportunities.
  • Productivity: With larger land sizes, these farmers can diversify crops, invest in modern technologies, and achieve higher yields.
  • Market Access: They often have better access to formal markets, financial institutions, and support services.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Income Disparities: Despite the challenges faced by small farmers, studies suggest that small farms can be as productive as larger ones, challenging the notion of an inverse relationship between farm size and output per unit of land.
  • Policy Implications: Addressing issues of land size variation, mechanization, and access to resources is crucial for improving the livelihoods of small landholding farmers and ensuring a sustainable agricultural sector.

Now we will go in detail by challanges, opportunities and policy implications-


Small Landholdings:

  • Fragmentation: Continuous division of land among heirs has led to severe fragmentation, making it difficult to achieve economies of scale.
  • Resource Constraints: Limited access to capital, modern technology, and quality inputs hampers productivity.
  • Market Access: Small farmers often face challenges in accessing markets and getting fair prices for their produce due to inadequate infrastructure and market linkages.

Medium Landholdings:

  • Transition Issues: While they have better access to resources compared to smallholders, medium farmers often struggle to transition to high-value crops and advanced farming techniques.
  • Credit Access: Despite having more land, medium farmers sometimes face difficulties in securing credit due to bureaucratic hurdles and insufficient collateral.

Large Landholdings:

  • Land Ceiling Laws: In some regions, land ceiling laws restrict the size of agricultural holdings, posing legal and operational challenges for large farmers.
  • Labor Issues: Large farms often depend on hired labor, leading to issues related to labor availability, wage disputes, and management difficulties.


Small Landholdings:

  • Collective Farming: Initiatives like cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) can help small farmers pool resources, reduce costs, and improve bargaining power.
  • Technology Adoption: Mobile technology and digital platforms can provide smallholders with better access to information, weather forecasts, and market prices.

Medium Landholdings:

  • Diversification: Medium farmers can diversify into horticulture, floriculture, and organic farming, which offer higher returns compared to traditional crops.
  • Contract Farming: Engaging in contract farming with agribusiness firms can ensure assured markets and reduce price risks.

Large Landholdings:

  • Economies of Scale: Large farms can leverage economies of scale to adopt advanced technologies like precision farming, drones, and automated machinery.
  • Export Potential: Large landholdings have the capacity to produce surplus for export, contributing to the country's agricultural export growth.

Policy Implications

To address the varied challenges faced by different categories of farmers, policies need to be tailored:

  • For Small Farmers: Implementing supportive policies like subsidized inputs, better access to credit, and strengthening FPOs.
  • For Medium Farmers: Facilitating access to advanced technology, promoting diversification, and easing credit norms.
  • For Large Farmers: Reforming land ceiling laws where necessary, and encouraging investment in infrastructure to support large-scale farming operations.

The data and insights from the agricultural census and research studies highlight the complex realities of small and large landholding farmers in India. While small farmers constitute a significant majority and face inherent challenges, large landholding farmers leverage scale and resources for enhanced productivity and market access.

In conclusion, a nuanced understanding of the dynamics between small and large landholding farmers is essential for formulating targeted policies and interventions to support the diverse agricultural community in India.

By addressing the specific needs and constraints of both small and large farmers, India can work towards a more inclusive and sustainable agricultural sector that benefits all stakeholders.

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#Bharat #Agriculture #Innovation #MakeinIndia #Farmers #Technology

Very interesting article about the different landholders.



