Facts or opinion...Needle in an on-line haystack...

Facts or opinion...Needle in an on-line haystack...

 For 1,000's of years the above cartoon has accurately represented the truth.....Read, study and listen to teachers in order gain knowledge & this brings understanding....Sadly it is no longer true....Why...? The internet! 

Before the web, if I wanted to learn about a subject I had to go down to the library and read some books or take a course taught by a qualified teacher.

Knowledge was shared and taught almost exclusively via books, teachers & lecturers in libraries or places of learning....Newspapers and journals contributed to an extent but usually as an additional commentary role to highlight exciting new discoveries by scientists and researchers. 

The system relied on peer reviewed studies and papers being combined into text books and educational courses & qualifications.


The great barrier to entry was the $$ cost of research / peer review and publication of a hard copy book….This vital barrier has been removed by the internet! 

Sadly today, the internet is the dominant source for the vast majority of the population, from casual reading to PhD and above, Google / Wikipedia dominate the web....It costs nothing to start a blog and state your opinion as “fact”….A good wordsmith who is skilled in manipulating social media can rapidly grow his / her following to spread their word.

In fact it costs less than nothing, you can actually earn a fortune by building up a large number of followers….Marketing incentive to make sure ones words are popular…”The public gets what the public wants”  …Feed the social media machine and the machine grows…Too big to fail…Too big to be wrong! 

Regardless of subject matter, from the most important issues like climate change and biodiversity to the niche and trivia subjects that dominate the web, its internet bloggers and journalists who command global audiences and feed their non-peer reviewed opinions to millions of hungry minds.....This non peer reviewed opinion may well have been based on good research....But in most cases it is not.  Usually it is written by a professional blogger / journalist / political / industrial commentator with an agenda....Headline grabbing / page views / advertising revenue / salary / marketing motivation.... 

It gets worse….This “first generation” information then gets repeated and disseminated through social media and the grapevine of internet gossip...Being carefully edited with cut n paste to suit the next generation of reader / bloggers personal agenda and bias….Chinese whispers on steroids at the speed of light! 

As a great example of the above take a look at climate change….A google search brings up a ratio of over 4,000 :1  for non-peer reviewed to peer reviewed data….Would you accept this ratio if the NHS or your medical / military institutions were based on this ratio….?!!

Scary truth…

Ask 1,000 “guys n’ gals in a pub” 4 questions about climate change…(or substitute climate change for any other subject) 

(1) When did you last think about climate change? Answers vary from “never” to “today”.

(2) When did you last read about climate change? Answers vary from “never” to “today”.

(3) What is your opinion of climate change?           Answers vary from “don’t have one” to strongly held beliefs for or against the importance to humanity, causes & consequences. 

(4) Where would you go to learn about climate change? Answers 99.9% Internet ….Google & search engines!! 

The above scenario is now the accepted norm, it is how the vast majority of mankind’s “knowledge” is shared, sadly knowledge has been replaced by opinion…However well intentioned (or not!) the opinion remains just opinion, that of a non-qualified commentator. 

Would you trust your health to an online doctor with 10 million followers if he had never been to medical school or had any formal medical training, but he was a “well respected journalist” …? 

The modern conundrum for anyone researching or seeking answers is: 

(1) In any and all research into any and all subjects, the only things that count are the facts.

(2) In any and all research into any and all subjects, the facts don’t count! 

The solution is this: 

In todays Google / Wikipedia facts on demand world, 99% of “facts” are not facts, they are opinions from bloggers / journalists /  self-appointed experts and those with an agenda or cause to promote. 

True peer reviewed facts are still relatively easy to find, but sadly for every peer reviewed fact there is 99 or often 999 opinions masquerading as facts and obscuring the true fact.


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